Is there anywhere you see a guy get headcrabbed?

Aug 28, 2004
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...because I saw a clip of some G4TechTV show that showed a guy getting a wet one from a crab.

I never saw one, just hoping that theres a side area :|

Also, does it irritate anyone else when before you get the airboat and the combine just started shelling the place, that there were already zombies?
It's unclear exactly when the shelling began, or even if those zombies were recently crabbed. So it could have been hours, or more.

Also, one guy does get headcrabbed behind a fence in that sequence. You can't save him, but you can put him outta his misery.
Yeah, theres a guy in the scene where the headcrab rockets are first used whose struggling with one attached to his head.
id like to know how those headcrab-laden missile things work. i mean, the combine are not the same race/side/team (whatever you wanna call it) as the headcrabs from xen, so how come they are used as weapons?
J_Tweedy said:
id like to know how those headcrab-laden missile things work. i mean, the combine are not the same race/side/team (whatever you wanna call it) as the headcrabs from xen, so how come they are used as weapons?

The Combine send them to an area, wait until they kill everyone there, then destroy the remaining zombies.
The Thing is right.

The Combine launch headcrabs into an area, where they will zombify some people then kill the rest. Then soldiers just come in and kill the zombies (easier than killing resistance members)
J_Tweedy said:
id like to know how those headcrab-laden missile things work. i mean, the combine are not the same race/side/team (whatever you wanna call it) as the headcrabs from xen, so how come they are used as weapons?

The Combine control Xen.
Can someone tell me where do you see that guy getting headcrabbed?
i never saw one
past the first 2 shells, you turn right and
youll see a head crab latch onto a guy
Sam2k said:
The Thing is right.

The Combine launch headcrabs into an area, where they will zombify some people then kill the rest. Then soldiers just come in and kill the zombies (easier than killing resistance members)

And if you have "Raising the Bar" it says that the Cremators (which were cut, but you can see a cremator head in a jar at Eli's Lab) are like the combine janitors. There weapons dissolve all biological matter, so either they wait until the soldiers have killed everything or they just send in the Cremators to cleanse the area.
They had soo better be in the expansion. They certainly sound like a great enemy.

The interesting thing is, if you put an npc_combine vs. an npc_zombie, the zombie will win. However, if you put an npc_combine vs npc_(reistance member) and they both have the same guns, the combine will win.
I dont think the combine even bother sending in troops to eliminate the zombies, its waste of ammo and time for such a weak enemy. Ravenholm is a fine example, they just leave it to rot.
I am a great enemy? W00t!! :O
Samon - just like the Bush Administration and Iraq, heh :p
Samon said:
I dont think the combine even bother sending in troops to eliminate the zombies, its waste of ammo and time for such a weak enemy. Ravenholm is a fine example, they just leave it to rot.

It depends, Revanholm really wouldn't be much use at all to the Combine. For one, it is miles away from anywhere. (They don't know that the Resistance is based there) Whereas places like the small camp that is shelled near the beginning would be fairly useful as, say, another block of housing.
The zombies are very resilent to anything that isn't you... they take quite a bit of killing from combine / antlions.
Reginald said:
It depends, Revanholm really wouldn't be much use at all to the Combine. For one, it is miles away from anywhere. (They don't know that the Resistance is based there) Whereas places like the small camp that is shelled near the beginning would be fairly useful as, say, another block of housing.

they do know resistance are based there. Thats why they shelled it.
Also, I don't think the Combine build houses.
Originally posted by Reginald
It depends, Revanholm really wouldn't be much use at all to the Combine. For one, it is miles away from anywhere. (They don't know that the Resistance is based there) Whereas places like the small camp that is shelled near the beginning would be fairly useful as, say, another block of housing.

The very reason it was shelled, because the combine knew of the resistance's presence thier. And instead of sending it troops to take
them out, they just shelled the area.

Originally posted by CREMaTOR666
Samon - just like the Bush Administration and Iraq, heh

maybe they shell the place, the resistance members turn into zombies
then they just drop the shells or something on the zombies

see cuz if they just left them to "rot" couldnt they evolve into the next form thingymabobjiggy... :imu:
They use the headcrabs to turn resistence into zombies. Makes Overwatch's job much easier since Zombies do not carry guns, mean old resistence members do.
They know there was a strong Resistance presence but not that that is where they are based. If they knew that, what would stop them from simply storming the base. It isn't that well protected (notice lack of checkpoint on Ravenholm entrance.)
Reginald said:
They know there was a strong Resistance presence but not that that is where they are based. If they knew that, what would stop them from simply storming the base. It isn't that well protected (notice lack of checkpoint on Ravenholm entrance.)

True...poor ravenholm :(
I'm wondering why wouldn't the combines just blow the hell out of the resistance areas?
Combine Hybrid said:
I'm wondering why wouldn't the combines just blow the hell out of the resistance areas?
'cos they don't know where they are...

(they haven't twigged that the lambda symbols are connected to the resistance, despite all the armbands :dozey: )
bliink said:
Yeah, theres a guy in the scene where the headcrab rockets are first used whose struggling with one attached to his head.

Yes and there is of course the beginning of half life: source were the scientist that you see talking to the G-man gets attacked by headcrabs after the experiment.
I think a better question is not why the combine is shelling out headcrabs, but rather, how do those headcrabs survive that crash-landing? I don't know about you but if I were traveling at 200 mph in a rocket that crashed into the ground instantly the only way I'd be getting out of that rocket is if someone shoveled my gibs out.
Interesting that you two posted next to each other, and you have the same formula of sigs.
In the beginning of HL1, after the room where you meet the first two zombies, there's a hallway with two more zombies. After you (or the security guard you get from the previous room) kill them, check out the walls. One of them has a dead scientist slumped against it with a killable headcrab stuck to his head.
I remember that...Barney saying "Why are those things wearing scientist uniforms?" I'll let that one slide cuz he was just a simple security guard, but come on, man.