is this a good game?

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damn straight it's a good game, Ocarina of Time owns so bad, I just bought it on ebay for N64 last friday. I should outbid you and win this cuz im a bastard :p
Ocarina of Time is an amazing game. Its epic and just all around fun. Some of the best gaming moments are to be had while playing OoT.
amazing if you've never played it, bid..! Of course you could just be advertising in disguise.. bleh
Ocarina of Time was hands down the best game for the N64. Graphics will seem a little dated now but if you've never played it before I highly recommend picking it up.
Uhhh Master Quest is a package with 4 zelda's in one: Legend of Zelda(NES), Adventures of Link(NES), Ocarina of Time(n64), Majora's Mask(n64), and a playable demo of Wind Waker. The Ocarina of Time on it is exactly the same as the n64 version, but 5 dollars for this whole package is an incredible deal.
Yay, i still have ocarina of time...
Is that good?

I think i got mad because i didnt know what to do, even though i beat it
Good times?
You can find this at a lot of used games stores, probably for the same price after shipping
Yeah, hours of fun with this ol' cartridge. If you want like triple the replay value, search on google for something called 'crooked cartridge trick'. First-person mode, use items on Epona, swordless Link... man that was so fun. I just wish I'd had the gold cartridge. Or that thing that makes you cheat, so I could unlock the beta quest. Fun, fun times.
I think he's asking if the master quest is any good. If so, I'd have to say sorta. I mean, Ocarina of Time is an amazing game. But the master quest kind of ****ed up the dungeons, making them pretty stupid. Still, I think it's worth having, just to be able to play Ocarina of Time on a GameCube with the improved resolution.