Is this a good idea?


Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
I had an idea, I don't want to actually start working on it yet, but maybe in the future-- I just want to see if it could attract people.

Basically its a graphical adventure, Myst Style, but more like Morrowind in that it has a bustling world to go around in but without any RPG elements (well, maybe a couple). My Storyline idea isn't real original, but could make a cool adventure game. After some kind of apocalypse on the surface far in the future, humanity has moved underground and has rebuilt a technological society based on geothermal power. There is an expansive "city-country" underground in which much of the action takes place. (I say "action" because I couldn't live with myself if there was no fighting at all.) However, a new threat has taken residence in the ruins above, and the main character will have to journey up there to put a stop to its corrupting influence. I think the Source Engine could frm the basis of a very exciting real-time adventure game, kind of Uru-style. Focus would be on creating detailed and interactive environments, the kind that make you go "wow" and drop a loaf. It seems like Source's AI should be very helpful in creating deep characters. I dunno, I just thought maybe this idea would be different enough to spark some interest. Maybe not

Lemme know what ya'll think, sorry if I put this in the wrong section..
When i think of first person, i think of shooting things.
I don't want to have "stats" or "gold" to follow me around, i just want to shoot my enemies, the old fashioned way.
It sounds interesting enough. I personally think its cool for someone to want to do something different with the fp aspect. Just remember, myst was fp, just not real time lol. Gotta love prerendering. Anyways, I say you should define the atmosphere a bit more and get a grasp of what youre looking for, and then create it...that is if you want to. Its alot of work, to create a detailed and immersive world, but if you work on it, and put your whole into it, its going to be that much better.

I whole heartedly agree that the source engine will rock, and really show off valves hard work. I hope all the mods, including mine will be great examples of beautiful games.

Good luck if you decide to do it.