Is this a hack or a glitch?


Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
I was playing lazytown (as usual), and I was in one of the rooms and suddenly realized I was getting hit by rockets, I just stood still and looked around as if to say "wtf is that coming from?", until I eventually died from the rockets. I'm certain that it couldn't have been splash damage shot from the entrance of the room because I was far enough away.

And so when I was shown the picture of who killed me, he was in the middle of the map. Far enough away that I couldn't believe he could have killed me from there. But that wasn't the weirdest thing, the picture was not of a normal players model or corpse, but a strange glowing orbish thing. The kind of glow you see on dumb programs that people think are ghosts. Never seen anything like it in the game. Another weird thing was that I am pretty sure I remember pressing F5 to take a screenshot of this, but screenshot couldn't be found.

And then later when I spawned and went back to the same room I died in, out of nowhere a soldier went from being invisible to visible and he died instantly there.

This is definitely a hack, bug or something else of a peculiar nature.
One time I was a soldier and got ran over by Kineda's motorcycle, and it made me get stuck in the ground, and I became invisible, and I fired rockets at passers-by, confounding them.

Someone was like "WHERE ARE THOSE ROCKETS COMING FROM?? WHY IS THERE A SOLDIER IN THE GROUND??" then they shot at me and I died. :/
Did you maybe lag out at one point? Errors like that are usually when a comp 's net connection fails for a few seconds in game.
Aye, the weirdest shit can happen in laggy periods. I've been killed by rockets right outside 2fort's spawn area from people directly below me on the first floor, completely out of line of sight.
I've had invisible (hostile) soldiers and medics in some of my games. Oh and an invisible pyro once too with an invisible medic with ?bercharge (showed glowing but that's it). I think there's two possibilities:

- It's a hack/exploit of some sort. I say meh if it is, probably gets fixed/banhammered when the time is due.
- It's a glitch in netcode. Lately I've heard a lot of whine relating to the adjusted netcode, apparently it drops/mixes individual packets between server and client causing everything from invisible players to face stabbing to switched models to invisible projectiles...numerous things.
Did you maybe lag out at one point? Errors like that are usually when a comp 's net connection fails for a few seconds in game.

No lag of any kind that I noticed. I think I can rule out the admin too as I know who he is and that he wouldn't use any exploits or hacks. It was some guy with a weird name and clan tag, he had 2 of his clan mates in the server with him.
It's a bug and happens every so often. I think invisible medics are the most funny.
Zombie goasts in the machine. Destroy their house.
Aye, the weirdest shit can happen in laggy periods.

Yeh, as anyone ever tryed to walk round on COD4 for the 360 when the connection is bad, my god. If you havnt I suggest you go try it, its SO funny (sometimes, depends how bad)
No lag of any kind that I noticed. I think I can rule out the admin too as I know who he is and that he wouldn't use any exploits or hacks. It was some guy with a weird name and clan tag, he had 2 of his clan mates in the server with him.

The same thing happens to me too sometimes. Either it is some sort of weird lag (ping looks fine)or a problem with the game.

It is like if my computer is getting the wrong information from the server. Sometimes i just see invisible spyes standing still and burning (i see just the fire) but there is nothing there (although I cant' go through it).

Once a heavy killed me 3 times, and it looked like if he was at the other end of the map and was shooting through walls. But when I asked he told me he was just standing close to me and i was just running at him.

Generally, leaving and rejoining the server solves it.
The random fire appearing when you turn a corner is not invisible spys, its a random effect glitch which causes a tall block of fire to appear and burn away, don't bother chasing it, ever...

Unless it is a spy that is...
This was caused by packet loss. It happens every now and then.
I've had moments where my classe's skin got mixed up with another's such as when I play as a Pyro I show up as a Sniper. Maybe...the soldier somehow got crossed with a cloaked spy.
I think this bug is sometimes caused by alt tabbing. Every time it's happened to me that was the case.

I always end up frantically looking for the person shooting me, realizing after I die how much of a noob I look like to whoever killed me.

I'm such a good spy, I can actually use my disguise's weapons!
Aye, it's a bug. The other night in a match our medic was invisible to our heavy. A few times while messing around our scout has been invisible to me and i've been invisible to a few people on publics - cue cries of 'hacker'!!