Is this a keylogger or something?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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A few weeks ago I got a virus on my computer, I just ignore it, I get pop-ups about 2 times per day, but I just noticed something new in my task manager "Processes" tab. Something called "qwerty12.exe" it just sounds like a keylogger name to me.. Any ideas?

Oh yea, I can't end process on it, or end process tree on it. It says it's running from "SYSTEM" opposed to all my non-important stuff running from "Owner". I CAN exit it, but it'll just pop back up.

EDIT: I just noticed, a virus (I'm guessing) process called "lkwludin.exe" isn't there anymore, it got replaced by the "qwerty12.exe"
Why would you ignore a virus? Not a smart thing to do.

To start off download adaware at

Once you do that update it. Then restart in safe mode(hit f8 constantly when your computer is rebooting). Once in safe mode do a FULL system scan using adaware.

Im too lazy (or too drunk) to look up the processes you mentioned. But whatever they are they are not good and you need to get rid of them.
Googled qwerty12.exe didn't come up with anything.
The only thing that caught my eye by searching "qwerty12 virus" was this link. Alternative site. Only reference to qwerty12 was under the usernames that worm uses to get access.
Well, I'm on dial-up and I don't want to wait 2 hours to download adaware.. It'll have to wait until my other "things" are done downloading.. I have other anti-virus programs, but they only got rid of 2, but detected 3..
By chance do you have Microsoft's Defender (anti spyware) downloaded from their windows updates? Do all your scanning within safe-mode. install and run this as well. Leave your computer on all night if you have to.

It's what I use, and it works really well.

Keyloggers can steal passwords, personal information, and credit card/account information, they can take screenshots of what you are doing and send them out, among other things. Not to mention you sound like your computer may be being used as a bot to send out more malicious stuff over the internet, for example, he could use your PC to send hundreds or thousands of infected emails from your address to everyone you know, and every email address he has.