Is this a new Test or is this old?

This is the SECOND test. User/Pass is Nova/Prospekt, and then Barnacle.

Jeez. At least learn what the others were first before jumping to conclusions. :p
Ok, here's a thought for all you newbies out there:
If you think you found a new test, forget it. You didn't. There's not gonna be any more tests! Get over yourselves, you're nothing special. You sicken me! Go back home and cry to your mama! Do whatever you want, just STOP THESE "NEW TEST" POSTS!!!!!!


Don't spoil WHAT THE TALL THING IS iif you know what it is!!! :p
See, that there just makes you look stupid. EVERYONE knows what the citadel is. Pssh...Have you been living under a rock or a born-again Half-Life 2 Fanboy?
y ban?

EDIT: C'mon guys, be nice to newcomers
Dr. A said:
I don't think ban, that's too extreme. I say a firm slap on the wrist. These newbies gotta learn to observe the board for a while before posting, and when they do post, not a new thread. That's what I did.
BetaMaster said:
I don't think ban, that's too extreme. I say a firm slap on the wrist. These newbies gotta learn to observe the board for a while before posting, and when they do post, not a new thread. That's what I did.
Yeah, I think literally my 900th post was my first thread.
I think the Fourth Test is how we react to people who post threads about how they just discovered the Second or Third tests.