is this a plausible mod idea?



Hey first post (i think, at least first thread)
Could a mod be made to build bridges out of wood and put weight on them and see whos hold up the best? Just a quick idea. Something that would explore the physics and thinking side of source instead of fast paced shooting. You could set a weight limit on building materials so that design is the key in winning.
I dunno, but i cant see why not.

Kerplunk, Giant-Sized-Virtual-Kerplunk. With m4s and AKs......

Instead of pulling straws, you shoot them, instead of marbles, you have mellons (or chickens, preferably chickens). And if you loose, you can shoot your opponent like all bad loosers ;P


It sounds plausible, but I'm not yet versed in how the physics engine works. However, I do know that large weights deal damage to all objects that can be dealt damage, so I don't see why a bridge couldn't be made to collapse if it's been built improperly by a player.

Would require a lot of code though.

-Angry Lawyer
Something like that would push the multiplayer physics in a way we haven't seen yet. Knowing from what I know about the stolen HL2 leak, a lot of physics stuff happening at one time would crash the game. It would seem to me that a collapsing bridge made up of lots of materials could crash the game, but like I said... we really don't know because the actual game is not out.

The only advice I can give is to try.

Start making maps with a constructed bridge that can be blown apart and see how it affects game performance... if it crashes you can scale back until you get a feel of how much physic calculations the game can handle. Once you discover the limits you can begin making your mod around that.

Then you will have to worry about coding. ;)
Excellent idea. Sounds feasible to me. I suppose you could give each player 30 planks of wood, 10 barrels and a glue gun, first man across the river wins.
If it crashes the game, then you're not coding well enough :p

But on a more serious thought, I doubt that dynamically compund structures would be able to support weight (and have a cumulative strength, rather than just that of the weakest part) unless you specifically coded it to do so.

And everyone knows that the person who figures out how to convert the glue gun into a gauss jump will win before people make a bridge...

-Angry Lawyer
I think it's a great idea too. Sounds like the kind of physics implementation that makes it worth the cost of a havok license.
I don't think you would be able to manage multiplayer, you might be able to pull it off in singleplayer. That said I'll be very impressed if you managed to make it fun, and honestly this is probably not the engine to use if you want to do that sort of thing. I won't say it can't be done, but I doubt that it will achieve the quality that you would using other means.
Something like this had been done as a UT2004 mod, so i'd imagine source can handle it. :)

FYI in the mod you place explosives in a building structure, the aim being to collapse the building within a defined area. Can't remember the name though, sorry.