Is this an error/outdated? (normal map entry in wiki)


Sep 20, 2003
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hey I came across something interesting while browsing the wiki

Getting the Normal Map in the Game

1. Save your normal map as a TGA in the same resolution as the original texture. Give it a name that ends in _normal. Then convert it to a VTF. The _normal at the end of the name will affect how Vtex converts it. For the brick wall example, we would name the file brickwall_normal.tga. Place the new VTF in the same place as your original texture.

I have never added normal to the end of the name of my normal maps, but they seem to work fine in game... Is it true we need to add the _normal suffix? if so what does vtex do differently?

EDIT: also came across this

3. When compiling your maps with vtex, Add this line to the <texture filename>.txt file in the same directory as your textures then compile with vtex.

"nocompress" "1" "normal" "1"

do we need to add "normal" 1?
I don't think it's necessary since you set the bumpmap to be used with $bumpmap in the .vmt