is this game any good?


Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
ok, well since i finally got a nice joystick, i thought it would be cool to get a good flight sim, ww2 preferabily. now i played a little bit of crimson skies, and like it alot becauase its easy to learn and fun action, but i didnt like how it was goofy planes. i heard il2 sturmovik:forgotten battles was a very good game. i was thinking about gettin this, but wanted to know if it is super complicated, or not that hard to get used to. also, thier site said it was a stand alone game, but gamestop said it was an expansion pack. waht is it, and is it any good, thanks
Sturmovik's pretty great. It's obviously not an arcade game, but it's still pretty easy to fly the planes i'd say. The missions are mainly flying to point A, then to point B, then to point C, drop a bomb/shoot people at point D, then fly back to point A and land.

But like most sims there's a lack of any kind of story mode. You simply get a mission with some text describing it, which makes it feel slightly cheap.