Is this possible? An Inventory?


Apr 27, 2005
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Hi, we (a friend and I) need some help (and/or need to know if this is even possible). We need some help with an inventory system for a mod (a good sleuth can figure out what the mod is), I'm hoping for it to look like this, but I'm not sure it's possible in the source engine:


If it is, we can greatly use the advice! Thank you in advance!
It's tough, not from knowing what commands and code to use, but for actually how you'd represent a 2d inventory array, with odd shaped objects, work. I still can't get my head around how any game manages it.

-Angry Lawyer
possible but highly difficult.

if you're making a deus ex remake though more power to you
Well, difficulty of coding doesn't matter, we'll figure it out. This mod is gonna take, like, 3 years anyway.

PS: Yes, it is a Deus Ex remake.
You might as well stop modding right away... I must say i Love Deus Ex 1, and i'd love to see a good remake, but you are going to get in trouble eventually with the authors of the original. Creating a game based on a game give that sort of troubles :) They will shut you down long before you can complete it
Don't worry, you let me worry about legal repercussions, we just need help with the inventory.
Agreed. That game rocked.

As for a 2D inventory... that's coding. And coding is something I don't know about. I know it's POSSIBLE with the engine itself (cuz Vampire: Masquerade was an RPG, I'm assuming it had an inventory) but "possible on the engine" and "plausible as a mod" are very different things. Good luck.
Of course it's possible, just way beyond my fragile mind.

-Angry Lawyer
FictiousWill said:
Deus Ex ranks as one of the best games of all time. I prefer it to HL1.
I love Deus Ex. but not quite as much as HL.
I loved deus ex but I hated combat (namely how it was hit or miss and usually miss) everything else was awsome.
Well, if this goes through (Eidos STILL hasn't responded, but don't worry, we will) we'll take some "artistic license" and tweak it to make it better. We'll even out some of the skills, like pistols (add in a machine pistol most likely) and melee (make cooler shiz, like katanas and fireman axes). And levels won't be perfect replicas of their counterparts, we'll edit them to have more to do with the physics (Like the fan "puzzle" in HL2).
I havn't coded in a mod yet, but I have coded in other languages, and I have made a few games (simple 2d ones). One of which was an rpg, complete with inventory.

The trick is, to learn about iteration. For loops will become your best friend. they will help you loop through the inventory.
Anything ya can think of is possible just better have one hell of a dedicated coder
about the 2d screen difficulty,what if you make it work like a Tiger portable display? The picture would be one and only,just a single panel. Possessing a weapon would mean that only that square block of the picture that includes it is shown (at the condition you own weapon x). If you don't possess it yet,that block is transparent and either shows the game background (like in the The Dig or Sam and Max inventories) or it's black. Please note you wouldn't be able to move the items like in Diablo,you would just see them and be able to click on them to select or use them.
Yeah, that's the problem. The point is that there are more items in the game then there are spaces for them, forcing you to specialize and be picky about your equipment. So you can't carry Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Pistol, Uzi, Flamethrower, fire extinguisher, grenades, med kits, bio-electric cells, LAWs, one shot plasma pistols, etc. all at the same time.
Its been done already check out the videos for hostile-planet one of them shows looting a corpse, an inventory like you describe, and even a kiosk for buying and selling things (it make me laugh thinking of gun vending machines).

So its very possible, probably even easy (relatively), if you need help with it you could even ask them how they did it, im sure one mod would be more than willing to help another out (well no im not, but i would)
i dont know much about coding but if u can find the code for buying weapons on css shouldnt it be really similar to that like u press b to get it up then when u click on stuff if gives you the weapons like. couldnt you just code it like that and figure out how to make it only show up what your player is actualy carrying. also im ashamed to say i never played deus ex but i heard had alot of great ai and you could choose to play it stealthily or shootem up style. wouldnt this need lots of coding on the ai for the enemy?