is valve going to charge for every little bit of content??


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
why elese would people pay a montly fee sku 10$month.. so like a new hl2 patch with maps/bug fixes ect could cost us 20 bucks or something im guessing, otherwise a monthly fee is just really stupid..... when you can just buy the games serperately and pay ONCE.

its not like valve will have many subscibers if they release games as slowly as they have been... it would be extremely pointless, am I the only confused one??? :x
It just shows valve have a lot planned for us. If you pay that monthly fee it would mean you get all their games they make - Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Blue Shift, Opposing Force, Blue Shift, Gunman Chronicles, Day of Defeat, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2 and other future games in development.

It's a good service for those who want to try a large variety of their games without having to purchase each one.
I don't think even Valve is arrogant enough to think they could pull that off. However, they are probably arrogant enough to force all users to install Steam for any HL2 patches/updates rather than provide them via conventional zip files. Kinda like the way Microsoft forces all it's Xbox users to pay for Xbox Live service if they want to play online. You really won't have much of a choice.
Originally posted by jet jaguar
I don't think even Valve is arrogant enough to think they could pull that off. However, they are probably arrogant enough to force all users to install Steam for any HL2 patches/updates rather than provide them via conventional zip files.

Well, Steam is going to be integrated in their backend so in theory small frequent updates instead of large 100MB patches would work well. For those without internet access can still download files to update the game.. but it will take longer to get hold of them.
wouldent it just stink if every time a lil update came they charged non subscibers... ide grow to despise valve
They aren't going to charge people for updates to the game.
what if its an update that contains content... (like oh lets say how bf1942 is always getting new official maps)
Valve will most likely release a few new maps some may be free to all and some bigger things would be available to subscribers. Anything you need to run the game and keep it up to date you will not need to pay for. They wont release a game patch included with subscriber content.
There will be no monthly subscription...

When you buy a game, you'll get the mods etc for free and you'll never have to pay again for the game.

For another Valve title it's the same.
Yes, you can buy Half-Life 2 or whatever on it's own and not pay another penny. This subscription thing is a complete different... product from Valve.
Originally posted by Faravid
There will be no monthly subscription...

When you buy a game, you'll get the mods etc for free and you'll never have to pay again for the game.

For another Valve title it's the same.
you'll get mods free that aren't from Valve. But a mod like TF2 and CS2 you'll have to pay to get. RIght?
TF2 and CS2 aren't mod's but yes you will have to pay for them. Fan made mods and maps will of course be available free of charge. That is of course if the mod team decide to release it for free ;)
They aren't mods? then...what are they? Yeah I hope they release CS2 free. Its really up to the CS team. But since they work for valve all the work they do is for the company. Its similar to an art school. All paintings you make while in class or for class are property of the art school.
Valve realized they had the opportunity to cash out on the popular mods, and they made their sequels stand-alone products so that they could charge the community.
And TF2 is going to be a stand alone game.
You make it sound like a REALLY bad thing

Valve now employ the people that made those mods. If they didnt hire them then we wouldnt have had such good support for the mods we have now and we are much less likely to have seen any sequals.

And don't give me all that shit about bad support eh! :P
/me shudders at thought of subsciber exclusive content ;( :x plz god no
I was under the impression that in using Valve's source code to build your mod you agree not to charge for it.
Originally posted by AudioRage
I was under the impression that in using Valve's source code to build your mod you agree not to charge for it.
Right... you can't charge for it unless you license the engine first...
Do I sense sarcasm?

I meant mods for HL2, not TC's or other games built on Source.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
total conversions (TC)

correct me if im wrong, but, aren't some mods considered total conversions. I think cs2, and tf2 are probably still going to be mods, unless they redesign the engine significantly.
Originally posted by famas_man
correct me if im wrong, but, aren't some mods considered total conversions. I think cs2, and tf2 are probably still going to be mods, unless they redesign the engine significantly.

its been stated by Valve that TF2 and CS2 (i think DOD2 also) are going to be stand alone products.. meaning they will not be HL2 mods and yes pple will have to play for those..

whether these stand alone products are exactly like the HL2 engine or a bit different is something nobody really knows cept for Valve i guess..
I'll guess we'll have to wait for a CS HL2 rip off mod for free.
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
live is a whole freaking 50 bux a YEAR... :cheese:

But well worth it :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
live is a whole freaking 50 bux a YEAR... :cheese:

You're naive if you think that MS will keep the fee that low for any length of time. They're still trying to woo subscribers. Once they have a strong enough base of subscribers you better believe they'll start charging more. If they gave people a choice between using the XBL service or going it alone then I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it, but as it is, anyone that wants to play Xbox games online has no choice but to pay for XBL which is a bull---- service imo. Optimized my ass. Everyone's on broadband!! Of course you shouldn't expect any lag.
Originally posted by bgesley426
They aren't mods? then...what are they? Yeah I hope they release CS2 free. Its really up to the CS team. But since they work for valve all the work they do is for the company. Its similar to an art school. All paintings you make while in class or for class are property of the art school.

1. no...they are complete games based on the source engine.

2. there is no way in hell CS2 will be free.........there are 10s of millions to be made from CS2

3. Im pretty sure gabe has the final word on stuff like that, not the dev team.
I don't understand you...

If you pay 10$ monthly, you will be able to play all games on steam. So if you only want to play HL2 sp, and you have broadband, you pay 10$ for a month, play HL2 thru, play a little multiplayer + other games (because you can), and by the end of the month, you can say "Hell, I've played HL2, and it only cost me 10 bucks!"

It's just one more choice, it's nothing bad.
I still play games like Unreal Tournament and Deus Ex and they're 3 years old. 12 months x 3 years x $10 = $360. Unless you got money to burn and Valve releases new content and games on a regular, timely basis(meaning no 5-year gaps ala TF2) the monthly subscription isn't very sensible.
Originally posted by jet jaguar
I still play games like Unreal Tournament and Deus Ex and they're 3 years old. 12 months x 3 years x $10 = $360. Unless you got money to burn and Valve releases new content and games on a regular, timely basis(meaning no 5-year gaps ala TF2) the monthly subscription isn't very sensible.

That's you. What about a casual gamer who just wants to play the sp, and nothing more? And you can unsubscribe at any moment
The thing that will be *really* annoying is not being able to play Halflife 2 online with subscribing to steam. Half life was always free to play online I don't see how they can be justified in making us pay $10 a month on top of the first $50 (for those of us without broadband of which there are many) just so we can play online. Isn't the 100s of millions they'll make from selling the game normally enough?

It's sickening.
So TF2 and CS 2 cant be downloaded if u already bought hl2? How do u know that when they say it will be availible as a stand-alone product you cant DL it if you cave the base Source engine game, hl2. Couldn't it just be like the original HL? ;(
You're not reading it are you :)

You can buy HL2 in the shops or on steam for a set amount of money. After you paid that you don't have to pay another penny. Online multiplayer use is completely free you don't have to pay to play HL2 online through Steam.

This steam subscription thing is a completely different product. You get every single game valve makes for one monthly fee which can be played online for no further fee.

TF2 will be a standalone game like HL2. It may use the same engine but it's a completely different game. There is no information on CS2 yet.
Expect more developers to use this format. Software is becoming more of a service now.
Subscription service is a bad idea.

Knowing that Valve constantly lies about release dates and just about everything else, I wouldn't trust them to provide a good steady flow of content every month worth paying the subscription fee.

which is why you would get the normal one time pay only deal if thats what you think!

I think you can still get all the new content but you would have to pay for that seperatly UNLESS you got the subscriber deal!

Valve did this to give gamers more choice and ultimatly it gives some beter value for money!

sorry if that was a bit rantish but I just got kicked from a DC server cos i accidently TKed a bit, even after getting top of score board in the three previous games....

Kind of an anticlimax rly... :(
Most of this is speculation, we don't know exactly how all this is going to work. I say just wait and see.
If it works well then we'll be happy, if it doesn't work well then hopefully valve will abandon the idea, and we'll be happy.

There's no use getting all worked up over it until it's here.