Is your PC ready for Half life 2?

Is ur PC ready for HL2?

  • Hell yeah, full detail here I come

    Votes: 199 44.9%
  • I guess it will play HL2 acceptably..

    Votes: 179 40.4%
  • No, My PC doesn't meet the minnimum requirements

    Votes: 19 4.3%
  • I will be before the game comes out

    Votes: 46 10.4%

  • Total voters


Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Well, since HL2 is so close, I figured it would be cool to get an idea of everyones sysytem specs!

My specs:

P4 2.4@ 3.0GHz
Abit IS7 (not the best mobo, but it works)
1gig of crucial ram
Radeon 9800 pro 256 (should handle them shaders well :))

So I think Im ready for HL2 :)
My specs:

AMD Athlon 2700+
Shuttle Ak 39N
512 Mb 2700 ram
GeForce 4 mx440 128Mb video card

It's defenitly serviceable but very good for the price of $650

I think I'm going to get some more ram though.
Right now I have a crappy computer, but soon I should have this

AMD Athlon XP 2700+, 333MHz FSB, 256K Cache Processor
512MB PC-2700 DDR RAM
ATI Radeon 9600SE 128MB DDR AGP Video Card
Western Digital 160GB UDMA/100 7200RPM 2MB IDE HDD
DELL M991 19" (18" View) 1600x1200 UXGA .26mm Black CRT Monitor
NForce2 Motherboard
Case with 450W Power Supply

all that for $600 :)
Athlon XP 2400+ @ 355MHZ FSB
512mb DDR @ 355MHZ
80GB 7200RPM HD
Geforce FX5900 128MB

I'm ready to go, full detail baby :bounce:
P4 3.2G
1024mb ram kingston

but ill have a x800 before HL2 hits the shelfs
Athlon XP 2500+ OCed to 2.24GHz
Radeon 9700 OCed to Pro

I'm all OCed and ready!
Read profile

I hope to get full detail, 1600x1200... if not 1024x768 will be fine!
am i only one seeing this thread being a 5 page list of computer stats? IMO this should be in the hardware forum.

not tryin to be harsh on that, just speaking my mind.
:cheers: Hell yeah mine is.

2.8C(going to upgrade to 3.4C in August)
P4SD-VX from Asus
512 DDR PC-2700 Ram(Cheap ass Infineon, upgrade to 1 Gig or something from OCZ or Corsair)
9800 Pro(upgrading to Radeon x800 XT or Geforce 6800 Ultra, which ever I get my hands on first- most likely the Radeon)
Man I cant wait! Half Life 2 should look SwEEt when it comes out and it will look wicked good on lotsa different hardware configs!
My gfx card aint ready yet but it will be...

Athlon XP 2800+
512 mb RAM 2700
nVidia GeForce 4 MX 440<-----LOL
Mine should be able to handle it acceptably:

P4 @ 2.00 GHZ (wish that was faster :p)
512MB RAM (Second stick of 256 on the way from Newegg :D)
ATI Radeon 9600 XT

I was going to buy a new computer, but I need money for other things right now :(
a64 3000+
512 pc 3200 ram
ti 4200

hoping that should give me atleast medium details till i get a gfx card around xmas time...
Pentium 4 3.21 GHz
2.00 GB of RAM
GeForce 5900 Ultra 256mb
High Detail Ahoy!
Athlon XP 2000+ (Soon to be 3200+)
512 MB RAM PC3200 (Soon to be 1 GB)
ASUS A7N8X Deluxe Rev 2.0
ASUS Radeon 9800xt

All i have to do now is optimize it so i can play at 6x AA, 16x AF
The only thing i really need to upgrade is my video card.

My specs are as follows:
AMD 2800+ o.c. to about 2.5 GHz (been a while since i checked what i was running it at)
MSI K7N2 delta mobo
768 pc2700 ram o.c. to match my processor
GeForce 3 ti200 w/ 128 memory, i sometimes overclock it to play certain games but then put it back to normal because the wee little fan can't keep it cool for that long
and all the other stuff pretty much dosn't effect games so i won't list it but it is in there.
amd64 3200+
1gig kingston hyper-x pc4000
160gig western digital
msi k8t neo fis2r
xaser 3 (black)
z680 with 14 guage monster cable and a MC optic cable

if i cant run hl2 at max res, with medium-high aa/af im gonna be a little pissed. i can run farcry at 1024x768 6X/16X aa/af no problem, i should be able to do about the same with hl2
computer cant run it now, but for my birthday I have an Athlon XP 3000+ (barton) and new mobo coming, ... aswell as a new case and PSU

ordered form newegg

And im working for an x800 XT

I'm keeping my drives, hardrive and 768 mb DDR/SD RAM
Dsty2001 said:
Right now I have a crappy computer, but soon I should have this

AMD Athlon XP 2700+, 333MHz FSB, 256K Cache Processor
512MB PC-2700 DDR RAM
ATI Radeon 9600SE 128MB DDR AGP Video Card
Western Digital 160GB UDMA/100 7200RPM 2MB IDE HDD
DELL M991 19" (18" View) 1600x1200 UXGA .26mm Black CRT Monitor
NForce2 Motherboard
Case with 450W Power Supply

all that for $600 :)

Where did you get all of that for $600?
My brand new, badass laptop should handle HL2 just fine. UT2k4 runs like a dream.

Pentium M 2.0 Ghz processor
1 gig of RAM
Radeon 9600, 128 MB

It's so nice, especially compared my old comp which has a GeForce 2 and 256 mb or RAM. Proccy is okay at 2 Ghz, though I think this Pentium M performs better.
Meh. My computer will run it acceptably, but not great.

AMD AthlonXP 1800+ @ 1.53GHz
512MB PC1700 DDR RAM
ATi Radeon 8500LE 128MB
20GB 5200RPM HDD
Some random motherboard that has Socket A, AGP 4x, three RAM slots and integrated sound :(

*Planning to get a job soon, to make enough money to buy myself a new system.
Amd xp2000+ (1.67ghz)
MSI KT400 Ultra FISR
1Gb 2700 ddr, [just gave 512 to my sister 8*( yesterday, was 1.5.. not .5 now]
sapphire 9800

i said acceptably., it should run... if it gets delayed until september then i may upgrade the cpu, mobo, ram, vid.. well, all of that, i guess, and keep the case/everything else.
good luck to me.
amd athlon 1800+:(
gf4 ti 4600 pro
120 gig hardrive
512 ddr ram
asus a7v333 mobo :frown:

I goana upgrade my cpu and mobo:)
Xelnein said:
Amd xp2000+ (1.67ghz)
MSI KT400 Ultra FISR
1Gb 2700 ddr, [just gave 512 to my sister 8*( yesterday, was 1.5.. not .5 now]
sapphire 9800

i said acceptably., it should run... if it gets delayed until september then i may upgrade the cpu, mobo, ram, vid.. well, all of that, i guess, and keep the case/everything else.
good luck to me.

It should run full detail on that...
My Specs for my main computer are:

AMD XP3000+
1 gig of kingston ram
Powercolor X800Pro
gigabyte K7NNXP MoBo
150 Remote TDK Tremor Speakers
19" Flat Phillips 109B Monitor.

My other computer is a:

AMD XP2000+
1 gig of generic ram
Powercolor Radeon 9800Pro
gigabyte K7NNXP MoBo
17" Flat Samsung monitor.
Generic Speakers.

All ready to go for some HL2 network........mmmmm....
My specs are:

Windows XP
AMD Althon XP2000+ 1.6GHz (1664 MHz)
GeForce FX 5700 Ultra 128MB
SB Audigy Gamer
Samsung SyncMaster 151v LCD
MSI nForce 2 K7N2-L

Well i think i should be able to get a decent framerate at high detail, but maybe without AA/AF, but that doesnt bother me at all. ;)

You guys know what hardware i should upgrade to get even better performance? Those Radeon 9800 Pros are really cheap at the moment, however i dont feel like getting a new gfx cards since i got my 5700 in mid-october last year.

Hey disabling Vertical Sync (a.k.a Video Sync) will help increase framerates, this is good for those lower-end CPU users :)
athlon xp 2500+
512 mb kingston pc-2700 ram
Geforce 2 mx

yeah, I need to upgrade my video card. I will soon. :|
i have a geforce fx 5200.....need i say more?
Athalon XP 2400+
X800 Pro 256MB
5.1 Logitech THX speakers

The only real thing that needs upgrading is my damn monitor. Sometimes it goes all fuzzy and crap. Heh..maybe it'll die on me, so then I'll have to buy a new one, instead of me just sitting around thinking if I should. :p
P4 3.0C
Audigy Gamer-X
Radeon 9800Pro 256mb
1 Gig Kingston HyperX 3200 DDR
Logitech z560's

Should be ready.
I got a GeForce FX 5500, turn detail down a little and it'll run on 1024x768.