Isn't it weird?


Oct 14, 2003
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Ever notice how just about every fruit, with the exception of pineapples and the various types of melon, are either bite sized or serving sized? Coincidence?

Some examples:
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Kiwis
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Cherries
  • Mangos

I bet 10 Elephants this turns into a creationist vs evolution debate at some point.
You're twisting me mangos man!
ok...watermelon, coconut, poisonous berries....etc
Proof of evolution.

Isn't it weird how chicken drumsticks fit perfectly in my hand?
It's proof of evolution just as much as creationism. The purpose of fruit it to be eaten and later spread seeds and such. Therefore, they are convenient sizes for their consumers.

Made by the almighty God with human ergonomics in mind.
Large fruit probably existed, but it could have went extinct with the dinosaurs millions of years ago. It takes large animals to spread the seeds of large fruit.
you should have been around in 135m BC. Those mangos the size of a house were delicious.
Pumpkins and coconuts can be added to the list of things not naturally optimal for human consumption.
Fruits are fruits because they use animals/mammals to spread their seeds. They are designed to be eaten. Birds eat berries, fly a few miles then shit the seeds out - hence, growth. It's evolution. The nasty tasting fruits didnt 'catch on' in evolution because nothing ate them, along with the fruits that were too big or small etc.

Coconuts were never designed to be eaten by mammals, they were designed to be carried by the tide/currents, hence full of air. I guess the fact they taste nice is a bonus?
Ever notice how just about every fruit, with the exception of pineapples and the various types of melon, are either bite sized or serving sized? Coincidence?

Some examples:
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Kiwis
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Cherries
  • Mangos

Fail. The generalization that just about every fruit with the exception of a few is too broad and does not define what is "serving size." For example, a papaya can be quite a large fruit and is arguably larger than 'serving size' unless you are considering the fact that most people will cut a papaya into manageable pieces before ingesting it. You also do not provide a category for other fruits like a durian or jack fruit. Those two examples are found mostly in asian countries and are definitely not bite sized or serving sized, nor are they a pineapple or a melon.
Not surprising, considering fruit-eating animals and the fruit-bearing plants themselves co-evolved. Animals need the fruit to survive, fruits need the animals to spread their seeds, therefore fruits evolved to be easily accessible by animals, and fruit-eating animals evolved to easily pick out, grasp, and eat fruit.

We must not forget that we are the end result of millions of years of evolution, and one of the things that we evolved to be incredibly good at is eating a wide variety of foods, including fruits.
Fail. The generalization that just about every fruit with the exception of a few is too broad and does not define what is "serving size." For example, a papaya can be quite a large fruit and is arguably larger than 'serving size' unless you are considering the fact that most people will cut a papaya into manageable pieces before ingesting it. You also do not provide a category for other fruits like a durian or jack fruit. Those two examples are found mostly in asian countries and are definitely not bite sized or serving sized, nor are they a pineapple or a melon.

What about mangosteen? Does it go in the list?

<3 durian
Babies look kind of bite sized when they pop out, too. Is God trying to tell me something here?
It's proof of evolution just as much as creationism. The purpose of fruit it to be eaten and later spread seeds and such. Therefore, they are convenient sizes for their consumers.

Well, "purpose" isn't quite the right word... but otherwise, you're spot on.
So bananas EVOLVED to have the shape they have now?
So that it would be easier to peel it?
Wait... fruit evolution?

Bananas used to be MONKEYS?! D:

This has all new twisted implications for cannibalism.
Today's bananas are the product of thousands of years of human selection. Wild bananas look like this :
That looks horrible. :/
That looks like what would happen if a regular banana got infested with spiders and they made a giant nest in it.
<3 apples.

Bananas are nice too, but their aftertaste is awful.
If so, God ****ed up on the plum.

"Mm, this is a tasty plu--OH WHAT THE **** SOUR SKIN WHAT THE ****"