Issues with new 'cheap' water texture for L4D


Nov 3, 2009
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Hey folks... going a little crazy here.

Helping a friend with his L4D map, a hydroelectric dam which requires two water levels - one behind the dam and high (the 'basin'), one in front of the dam and low.

Obviously I need to be using 'cheap' water here, but the cheap water that comes with L4D renders as bright green sludge. No good.

Research on t'internets yields the following useful page:

Research on this forum yielded some interesting posts on water, but none that specifically addressed this problem - building a new cheap water texture.

Using the link above, I made the following .vmt file:

"$fallbackmaterial" "nature/water_dx70_beneath"

$abovewater 1

"%compilewater" 1
"$forcecheap" 1
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"%tooltexture" "dev/water_normal"
"$refractamount" "1.0"
"$refracttint" "[0.95 1.0 0.97]"

"$reflectamount" "1.0"
"$reflecttint" "[1 1 1]"
"$refracttexture" "_rt_WaterRefraction"
"$reflecttexture" "_rt_WaterReflection"

"$scale" "[1 1]"

"$bumpmap" "nature/water_frame01_dudv"
"$normalmap" "nature/water_frame01_normal"

"$surfaceprop" "water"
"$bottommaterial" "liquids/militiaWaterbeneath"
"$bumpframe" "0"

"$fogenable" 1
"$fogcolor" "{.05 .04 .03}"
"$fogstart" 0
"$fogend" 80.00

"animatedtexturevar" "$normalmap"
"animatedtextureframenumvar" "$bumpframe"
"animatedtextureframerate" 30.00

"texturescrollvar" "$bumptransform"
"texturescrollrate" .05
"texturescrollangle" 45.00


This gives me opaque, black water. Previously, I had opague, blue water. So basically I'm kinda stuck with this.

I want cheap translucent water which players can interact with (jump into, shoot, etc) that reflects local cube maps and - basically - doesn't cause any trouble for the mapper.

I'm pretty au fait with Source, but this has me flummoxed. If anybody can help, I'd surely appreciate it.

they dropped dx7 support long time ago, btw do you have any pic of the water?
i think you just need few simply vmt lines for cheap water:

try this (this is my first water vmt, might not work it's rushed):

$abovewater 1

"%compilewater" 1
"$forcecheap" 1

"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"%tooltexture" "dev/water_normal"

"$scale" "[1 1]"

"$surfaceprop" "water"
"$bottommaterial" "liquids/militiaWaterbeneath"

for more information, see:
Thanks for the fast response! I'll try that tomorrow when I get to my home computer.
