It would be so cool if Mossman would be Gordon's sidekick this time!


Jun 3, 2009
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Alyx has been Gordon's sidekick a long time now, also Barney have fought alongside Gordon in City 17 and Grigori in Ravenholm. What about Mossman, she seems like a cool character, beside the drama at the top of the Citadel when she kicked Breen's ass, she should be more in action. I hope that Gordon will fight alongside Alyx and Barney this time too but also Judith, her with a shotgun would be a great combination!
I'm pretty certain that Mossman has no combat experiance... of course if i wasn't saying it in that way to be gentle i'd just say "That's a f***ing stupid idea"
Maybe she has no combat experience, but I bet she has some combat training, seeing as they live in a world under the control of aliens.
Mossman is a fragile woman, she wouldn't do you much good.
Of course Mossman has combat experience :p LOL! She has worked for the resistance and the Combine, she must know something.
IMO Alyx would do great as a sidekick Episode 3, don't understand why not.
Mossman wears on your patience pretty fast, though it was fun when she was geeking out in Black Mesa East.

Everyone probably knows how to step on a headcrab correctly, but not everyone can shoot. (Civil Protection case in point.)

Alyx knows kung fu and parkour, anyways.
She would probably be one of those sidekicks that just follow you around and hid when a zombie comes around the corner; I doubt she would be shooting at baddies with you.
Alyx has been Gordon's sidekick a long time now, also Barney have fought alongside Gordon in City 17 and Grigori in Ravenholm. What about Mossman, she seems like a cool character, beside the drama at the top of the Citadel when she kicked Breen's ass, she should be more in action. I hope that Gordon will fight alongside Alyx and Barney this time too but also Judith, her with a shotgun would be a great combination!

No it wouldn't. We already have Barney and Alix as contenders for the role as our sidekick, why bother with that traitorous hag?
I agree, I'm not sure about her combat experience but she is indeed an excellent character, redhot and brainiac, she could solve problems that MIT head can't, she also knows a lot about Borealis.
No. Not at all. She might go with you on a small part of the journey, but not as the new Alyx.
The only people who would like this are the OP and Samon.
Valve can do it if they want, and I hope they do!
Mossman is the coolest character in the game beside Barney and Alyx and of course Gordon.
I am not Samon, I think Judith is cool, great character and properly the best looking character in the game!
You're clearly Samon. I can almost smell the huge cum-stained laminated poster of a hi-res Mossman render that you've got on your wall.
So guys, this thread is pretty win.

Oh, and I'd totally tap mossman.

With a shovel.

In the face.

At 50 kph
I'm the one who's supposed to be confused with Samon. :(

I'm Norwegian Salmon in the chat.
Oh my god i am vomiting in terror. Where do you people take these ideas?
It would be cool if she was talking sciencey stuff, then the combine come in and start shooting stuff up, then Mossman pulls out a shotgun and maniacally kills every combine. But, to have that crazy bitch as a sidekick? I think not.
If by "be gordon's sidekick" you mean "****ed on the ice" then yeah bro.
Sorry I am NOT Samon, I know he has been here a long time and I just joined, think about, if not Judith had planned to betray Breen, he nver would have died, she is the smartest character in the game!
Sorry I am NOT Samon, I know he has been here a long time and I just joined, think about, if not Judith had planned to betray Breen, he nver would have died, she is the smartest character in the game!

You are Samon's alt, admit it or you'll be banned. You are pretty much exactly like him. Anyway why does a mod even need an alt account what the ****
Anyway why does a mod even need an alt account what the ****
He built up such a persona that he can no longer get away with saying everything he'd like to say, or at least he can't say it as Samon without being all dignified and condescending-like. So he invented this Bar. Calhoun character to say the things he really wants to say in a very giddy, childlike fashion.

Samon says: "Judith Mossman is the most dynamic character; she has the most endearing story and her loyalty toward Eli and desire to repent for her past actions is very powerful."


Bar. Calhoun is Samon's true nature.
I begin to be really tired of this, NOT only Samon likes Judith, she is cool, it's a fact, I just saying I like her and people combine me with someone else, if you like Eli, then someone else like Eli, the same person?!
Nobody else likes Judith Mossman. She's a liar and a traitor and her only motivations are, "scientific progress," and "I love Eli!" She screws over the resistance for the first, and turns around and screws over the Combine for the second. And you want this person to be your sidekick, the NPC who has your back?

She'll sell you out for the chance to have a particle named after her.
Of course Judith Mossman would make a ‘cool’ sidekick; she’s the best character in the series. I’ve been saying this since Episode 2 came to its close – there is only so much bubbly, sycophantic Alyx one can tolerate, and it’s time to replace her with the spark of scientific expertise, wit, and genuine intellect: in the form of Dr. Judith "Things would go so much faster if we had more people with your training." Mossman. Not only would she provide a refreshing gameplay experience and spin the NPC companion wheel anew, but she would also deliver emotionally - Judith persists as the ultimate tour de force of the Half-life universe, defining herself not through adherence to some moral self-righteousness, but rather through her unflinching dedication and love for Eli.

Nobody else likes Judith Mossman. She's a liar and a traitor and her only motivations are, "scientific progress," and "I love Eli!" She screws over the resistance for the first, and turns around and screws over the Combine for the second. And you want this person to be your sidekick, the NPC who has your back?


She'll sell you out for the chance to have a particle named after her.

So would I.
Judith persists as the ultimate tour de force of the Half-life universe, defining herself not through adherence to some moral self-righteousness, but rather through her unflinching dedication and love for Eli.

... You can't sum up all the thematic components of the Half-Life series in the character of Judith Mossman. No more than you can define the quality of a forum from one individual member. Half-Life's tour de force is itself.
Nobody else likes Judith Mossman. She's a liar and a traitor and her only motivations are, "scientific progress," and "I love Eli!" She screws over the resistance for the first, and turns around and screws over the Combine for the second. And you want this person to be your sidekick, the NPC who has your back?

Eli was a little boring, but he was great, saying nobody likes a character is a little to far, I don't think many liked Breen or Eli, but I liked them, and Magnusson, not so popular, Judith is that character how is "most human", maybe Judith had planned to trick Breen or just understood how evil he was and what he was able to do, Judith is far from evil, and is it wrong to betray the Combine now?
Judith is that character I have most respect for in the game, and YES I would have her as my sidekick, because I trust her!
I think you should stay away from Episode Three, if you don't like her!
Judith's ambivalence toward what she should do makes her more annoying than interesting, and the fact that she is still alive after the explosion of the Citadel makes me immediately distrustful of her, because there is only one entity that could have saved her if she did not receive assistance from the Combine.

Irrelevant to the discussion though. I believe what is being said is that Judith is a more interesting character because of her attitude, actions, and dialog thus far in the series, which portrays her as someone you want to hate, but shouldn't necessarily, because she is "dynamic" in her loyalties. This makes as much sense as appreciating the drama of a gold-digging whore. But that's not what this is really about, is it? It's about the relative developments of the characters, and the stereotypical nature of the rest of them in the series. I'll admit, the rest of them could use some work, some moments in the sun to make the characters stand out more, but I do not doubt Valve's storytelling ability when it comes to doing this. Everything will come in it's due time.

HA HA, yeah right. This is a shooter, eyah? Once the last boss if finished, it'll fade to black and all these characters will disappear in the mist.
Judith's ambivalence toward what she should do makes her more annoying than interesting, and the fact that she is still alive after the explosion of the Citadel makes me immediately distrustful of her, because there is only one entity that could have saved her if she did not receive assistance from the Combine.

So was Eli. He was with her at this time as well.

I'm going a little off-topic, but I find it worth mentioning. Magnusson in EP2 mentions that the code for the Combine Overworld (the "info packet" that Alyx & Gordon had) was "the very code that Dr. Mossman had hoped to recover."
How do we know that her disloyalty to the rebels wasn't actually a double-cross to begin with?
She joins up with Breen (hoping to get ahold of that code), but has to keep quiet about this to the resistance (who knows, maybe Eli knew of this), is discovered by Alyx as a "traitor", etc.
I'm done. I see people calling her a traitor & I don't think she was ever a traitor to begin with.

And yes, having her as Gordon's main sidekick would be lame, as awesome as she is. I would prefer Alyx's kung-fu moves over Judith's "standing around" defense any day.
Dr. Magnusson is a blowhard who will do his share of the work and take the credit of the entire team. Of course he would say that he had hoped to do something that has already successfully occurred.

In any case, that is not enough evidence to make that claim. Just because they say they were looking for it does not necessarily mean that Mossman was their agent.

And no, the intrigue around whether or not Mossman is "on our side" does not make her more interesting. It's a foil to get to the next level and shoot her in the face for being so sleazy and not letting Gordon in on it. A much more noble motivation to action is revenge for the fallen comrade. But as I said earlier, all these aspects are technically viable and add to the totality of what Half-Life is. It is up to the player to decide what their motivation is, whether it be killing everything, avenging Eli, protecting Alyx, or finding out who Mossman is straddling.

Or getting to the sex scene with Barney. ( Just a little present for your thoughts. )
Dr. Magnusson is a blowhard who will do his share of the work and take the credit of the entire team. Of course he would say that he had hoped to do something that has already successfully occurred.

You misunderstood me. Magnusson says that it is the code that MOSSMAN hoped to discover, not MAGNUSSON. Yes he's an arrogant bastard occasionally, but he's not taking the credit here, imo.

In any case, that is not enough evidence to make that claim. Just because they say they were looking for it does not necessarily mean that Mossman was their agent.

True, but I still think it's something worth taking into consideration before declaring "OMG JUdiths TRAitror!"

Or getting to the sex scene with Barney. ( Just a little present for your thoughts. )

Me wants Barney. :naughty::naughty:
... You can't sum up all the thematic components of the Half-Life series in the character of Judith Mossman. No more than you can define the quality of a forum from one individual member. Half-Life's tour de force is itself.

I wonder what Judith's reaction to Eli's death would be...
Yeah that about sums it up.
I wouldn't want to spend the whole game with Judith but having to escort her for a little while could be good. And by escort I don't mean the standard type of FPS escort where you have to stop her from dying the entire time, just have her leading the way, solving puzzles together and having a bit of dialogue (or rather, monologue) and her hidding whenever there's combat so we don't get a MISSION FAILED screen for not noticing her running towards a grenade.