It would take 266.07 cans of Dr Pepper to put you down

After 273.00 cans of Mountain Dew, you'd be pushing up daisies.

This program does not take into consideration the EXTREMEness of the person drinking the EXTREME drink called Mountain Dew. I bet I could chug at least 3.16x10^(infinity + 1) before I ever felt any caffine.
Short Recoil drinks hot molten lava, but can't seem to find it in the list :'(
That's because only Short Recoil can see it because he's the only one able to do it. Don't be a noob, you should have known that.
You could drink 341.25 cups of Brewed Tea before croaking.
After 217.82 cups of Iced Tea, you'd be pushing up daisies.

I'll have to stick to the brewed stuff from now on.
Does this mean in 1 sitting? That seems a bit excessive..
The site only takes in consideration the amount of caffeine that could kill you from drinking x numbers of cans. You will die much before from water intoxication.
After 186.14 cans of Mountain Dew, you'd be pushing up daisies

Hmmm...I guess being 150 shortens my life. Now is this in a short amount of time, or all together..I think it is short amount of time..
It would take 330.29 cans of Dr Pepper to put you down

It would take 398.29 cans of Coca-Cola Classic to put you down

I guess Im pretty resilient! :D
_-_-SELAS-_-_ said:
It would take 330.29 cans of Dr Pepper to put you down

It would take 398.29 cans of Coca-Cola Classic to put you down

I guess Im pretty resilient! :D
how much did you put down for your weight? :p
It would take 224.82 cans of Coca-Cola Classic to put you down.

Better stop drinking this 224th can then. Aw, one more.

It would take 162.99 bottles of Bawls to put you down

w00t! Bawls!

( After 0.47 cups of Drip Coffee, you'd be pushing up daisies =OOO)
302.96 bottles of sunkist orange soda (probably pop before that, rather than OD on caffeine

Same for Dr. Pepper

225.85 for Mountain Doo as you lot say

155.27 for Red Bull

365.34 for vanilla coke

85.67 of drip coffee
What About RED BULL?!?

After 109.07 cans of that I'd die :p Red bull seems really caffinated, Seems like less than 109 cans would kill me..
Dog-- said:
What About RED BULL?!?

After 109.07 cans of that I'd die :p Red bull seems really caffinated, Seems like less than 109 cans would kill me..

I drank eight in one sitting. It felt like my eyes were about to squirt from their sockets and I was pouring sweat. I would guess twenty would put me in the ICU. Whelp! Let's see!
At first I said "Probably like 20 cans would kill me" than I took the test, and it said 109 cans, so I edited my post. The most cans I have ever drank in one sitting was 2, they taste like crap, so I doubt I would get past 5 before puking from the nasty Red Bull

There's no caffeine in Sprite, so that won't kill you. You can go for death by sugar intake, though.

How easily I forget.
I did a project on caffeine last year and yeah 10 grams is fatal. It has most of the same properties and symptoms as coccaine which made it perfect for replacing the "coke" in coke.

Oh and you would really have to be a man to die by caffeine overdose using commercial drinks and have to have one hell of a bladder or stand over a toilet/urinal.
Diet Coke's my poison and it would take 212.33 cans to kill me. In fact, according to this, Diet Coke is the worst for me. Regular coke would take 283 cans :O

I drink about 12 a week so I should be safe!
DrDevin said:
For fun I just googles "fattest person" and got this page:

Put 1600 lbs into the site and tried Pepsi (most common here)

It would take 2873.68 cans!

At $5.99 per case of 24 it would cost $103107.925768 plus tax (15% here) for a final total of $118574.1146332 talk about costly suicide!!!

But then what would you need the money for afterwards?
Pressure said:
After 273.00 cans of Mountain Dew, you'd be pushing up daisies.

This program does not take into consideration the EXTREMEness of the person drinking the EXTREME drink called Mountain Dew. I bet I could chug at least 3.16x10^(infinity + 1) before I ever felt any caffine.

infinity + 1 = infinity... ha..ha..ha
150 cans of Red Bull and im on the underground to browntown....
After 68.25 cans of No Fear, you'd be pushing up daisies

thats my favorite drink

used to drink 1-3 cans a day and it gave me an ulcer :D

cut it down to once two twice a month
Revisedsoul said:
After 68.25 cans of No Fear, you'd be pushing up daisies

thats my favorite drink

used to drink 1-3 cans a day and it gave me an ulcer :D

cut it down to once two twice a month
That's a pretty damn good reason to cut down on a drink :p
You'd die earlier from excessive water and sugar I suspect.