Itagaki and a group of vikings make a game about ninjas and guns and booleets

Actually looks rather fun. Maybe a Japanese studio will make a genuinely fun and up to date platformer / beat 'em up.


Let's see if he really has it.
look like every other shitty action game from japan.

Lost Planet,DMC...all the same shit.
Maybe a Japanese studio will make a genuinely fun and up to date platformer / beat 'em up.
That entire sentence hinges on the words "up to date," because every single good beat 'em up was made by a Japanese studio. The way you phrased it, if you take out that part, makes it sound like Japan has never done this before: "Maybe a Japanese studio will make a genuinely fun platformer / beat 'em up." Without the words "up to date" in there it sounds as if Japan has never produced a fun platformer / beat 'em up.

In any case, this game doesn't even seem to be a platformer OR a beat 'em up; it looks like a 3rd person shooter with a sword melee weapon and those "stylish kills" everyone is fond of these days.

It also looks generic and uninspired, and Itagaki's name on it does not sway my opinion.
fun trailer but as for the game, i'd need to try a demo before pasing judgment. Could be fun or totally bland and generic.

Doesnt help i dont like itagaki really :|
I really like the look of that. The up close gunplay looks nasty - love the point blank shotgunning and minigun tracking the guy flipping overhead. If it's as fast and brutal looking as the trailer i'll be all over that.
"Oh welp a game trailer I don't find particularly interesting. Better call it generic like that even means anything and move on to the next thread. I have a lot of disapproving and being generally uninterested in anything to get through today. Busy busy busy."
Better call it generic like that even means anything
Function: adjective
Etymology: French générique, from Latin gener-, genus birth, kind, class
Date: 1676
1 a : relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class : general b : being or having a nonproprietary name c : having no particularly distinctive quality or application

There is nothing that makes this game stand out when compared to like games in the genre. As I said, it is completely uninspired. Taking a standard formula and then adding katanas in an attempt to distinguish your game from the crowd is not inspiration.

You are right though, Hat: I've got a lot of things to hate on/be apathetic towards today and I've already wasted too much time in this thread. Jaded gamer, AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!