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Jun 28, 2007
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It's weird, how when you scratch yourself from one bodypart, another one starts to itch.
And when you scratch that one, yet another one begins to itch.
And it never goes away untill you just stop scratching yourself.

Why is this?
I constantly itch. But I never notcie anyone else itching. Am I weird? Is there something wrong with my body? What is all this thick, curly hair? I'm scared, and confused :(
*holds Que*

We're all here for you man. I itch whenever I try to go to sleep. Yes, it's bloody annoying. Daydreaming helps sometimes, if it's immersive enough it will take your mind off it. Just like video games, I suppose.

Oh yeah, apparently this works.

"As you sit there, and as you, despite your environment, really focus on these words, and as you carry on reading this page, and the more you try not to think about it, the more you'll notice the increasing feeling of wanting to scratch."

For making you itch, that is. Suckers.

EDIT: Actually, it didn't work on me :/
Whenever I pick up a back scratcher, I always think it'll be a short session. Twenty minutes later...
Feeling itchy here...maybe i got those sick rabies, that turn me into a psychotic zombie, from THIS>>>:imu:<<< little fella.

Because you touch yourself at night.

Your sick dude...
*sigh* I just wanted to know the reason of the itchiness.
And suddenly the thread is full of people, talking about, how they scratch they're ballz.

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