It's all a flashback?


Dec 4, 2004
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Correct me if I'm wrong but could everything in HL and HL 2 have already have happened and at the end of Gordon's mission something went horribly wrong so the G-Man sent him back to do it over again. One thing to support my resoning is that G-Man seems to know G-Man very well and seems to already know where gordon needs or will go to and what he will do.
Your font is needlessly huge.

And the G-man probably would have gotten it right the first time.
Mechagodzilla said:
the G-man probably would have gotten it right the first time.

Im not so sure... what if something always kept going wrong and this is the 3rd possibly 4th time going through the scenario?
You are supposing that you can discuss one single point on a time line and describe it in two contradictory ways. Let me try to explain myself… To make things simpler let’s reduce our dimensions in the discussion down to 2 instead of 4.
Imagine a square on 2d surface… (X,Y)
You can’t discus one of the corners of the square as somehow being a corner and not a corner at the same time can you? It either is a corner of the square or it isn’t.
Let’s upgrade to 3 dimensions. (X,Y,Z)
Imagine a cube. Imagine the corner of the cube in space… Again either the corner of the cube occupies those coordinates of space you are observing or not… (Let’s not get into sub plank length discussion with this)
Although we don’t think very well in 4 dimensions the same logic applies.

Hmm... I’m not very good at explaining this… I’m going to go fetch a book…

When trying to explain the so called Grandfather Paradox (The idea that I could travel back and time and kill my grandfather before he copulated with my grandmother), Physicist Igor Novikov writes, (Talking about traveling back in time and meeting oneself Using a wormhole and a strong gravity object on one end)
“The Reason is that in our discussion of the paradox I committed a serious logical error. I discussed the situation twice, in two different ways. In the first discussion, I discussed my journey to mouth B assuming there was no meeting with older version of myself from the future. In the second discussion, I discussed the same journey but assumed that the first discussion was correct and that therefore I could travel back in time and that therefore there was a meeting. The error is the assumption in the first discussion that there was no meting. If the meeting happened, it happened.”

I’m not going to transcribe the whole paper but he goes on to point out that what confuses us is the use of highly unpredictable objects like humans in these scenarios. He goes on to model apparent paradox scenarios of much more well understood objects like the bouncing of balls across a pool table where the pockets are wormholes and then shows what the actual resolutions of those paradoxes are. It shows us quite well that we are only deluding ourselves if with think that we can change time…
If you’re interested the essay was called “Can We Change the Past?” and was written for the benefit of nonprofessionals for a celebration of science popularizer Kip Thorne’s sixtieth birthday.

My point here is that you can’t have multiple events both occur on in the same place on our hypothetical timeline... it’s either one or the other…

Although… to save you’re argument for discussion let’s assume that the duration of the existence of the universe is infinite… (which doesn’t currently appear to be the case but is far from a closed subject in physics)
Infinity is a hard thing for us humans to get our minds around…
But if we have an infinite amount of time... eventually matter will arrange itself so that everything that has come to pass before… happens again… (Even with the expanding of the universe although that’s kind of complicated as to why)
So maybe the G-Man can remember those past versions of events and their failures? It keeps your idea out of the logical fallacy hot water.
Wheh... enough...
Hmm... Before somebody tells me that that half life doesn’t obey the real laws of real physics let me just point out that Marc has obviously used actually physics in his description of teleporter technology. He seems to be fairly intelligent and up on his science. Quantum Entanglement is the instantaneous exchange of information between 2 particles at any distance. Which is the only theoretical possibility (be it very remote) of Instantaneous Teleportation. The combine portals being “String Based” and using a “Calabi-Yau” shapes is also not gibberish. Well not completely… So the game defiantly is anchored in some form of reality… enough, it is my hope, to rule out grandfather paradoxes.
Marco's time travel theory is pretty interesting, but it's not very likely. G-man's familiarity with Gordon (i assume it's Gordon he's talking about) could be a product of research. The G-Man seems like a thorough, professional and farsighted sort of person, and he most probably followed Gordon throughout his career, scoping him out like a CIA agent scopes out a potential recruit.
yes jenga
Thats what i originally thought at first but the G-Man has this pre cognative sense about everything
Yes but if he went back to change what happend a splinter universe would have been created and fourteen days later the whole world would have been destroyed.
Is This Tea said:
You are supposing that you can discuss one single point on a time line and describe it in two contradictory ways. Let me try to explain myself… To make things simpler let’s reduce our dimensions in the discussion down to 2 instead of 4.
Imagine a square on 2d surface… (X,Y)
You can’t discus one of the corners of the square as somehow being a corner and not a corner at the same time can you? It either is a corner of the square or it isn’t.
Let’s upgrade to 3 dimensions. (X,Y,Z)
Imagine a cube. Imagine the corner of the cube in space… Again either the corner of the cube occupies those coordinates of space you are observing or not… (Let’s not get into sub plank length discussion with this)
Although we don’t think very well in 4 dimensions the same logic applies.

Hmm... I’m not very good at explaining this… I’m going to go fetch a book…

When trying to explain the so called Grandfather Paradox (The idea that I could travel back and time and kill my grandfather before he copulated with my grandmother), Physicist Igor Novikov writes, (Talking about traveling back in time and meeting oneself Using a wormhole and a strong gravity object on one end)
“The Reason is that in our discussion of the paradox I committed a serious logical error. I discussed the situation twice, in two different ways. In the first discussion, I discussed my journey to mouth B assuming there was no meeting with older version of myself from the future. In the second discussion, I discussed the same journey but assumed that the first discussion was correct and that therefore I could travel back in time and that therefore there was a meeting. The error is the assumption in the first discussion that there was no meting. If the meeting happened, it happened.”

I’m not going to transcribe the whole paper but he goes on to point out that what confuses us is the use of highly unpredictable objects like humans in these scenarios. He goes on to model apparent paradox scenarios of much more well understood objects like the bouncing of balls across a pool table where the pockets are wormholes and then shows what the actual resolutions of those paradoxes are. It shows us quite well that we are only deluding ourselves if with think that we can change time…
If you’re interested the essay was called “Can We Change the Past?” and was written for the benefit of nonprofessionals for a celebration of science popularizer Kip Thorne’s sixtieth birthday.

My point here is that you can’t have multiple events both occur on in the same place on our hypothetical timeline... it’s either one or the other…

Although… to save you’re argument for discussion let’s assume that the duration of the existence of the universe is infinite… (which doesn’t currently appear to be the case but is far from a closed subject in physics)
Infinity is a hard thing for us humans to get our minds around…
But if we have an infinite amount of time... eventually matter will arrange itself so that everything that has come to pass before… happens again… (Even with the expanding of the universe although that’s kind of complicated as to why)
So maybe the G-Man can remember those past versions of events and their failures? It keeps your idea out of the logical fallacy hot water.
Wheh... enough...

Stop smoking weed
BigBrother said:
hes not smoking weed....he so pwned this thread!!!111

I think my virtual penis shrunk into 0.5inches long
I guess you're the one that could benefit from a lack of weed...eewwwww....thanks for sharing...
Hey im new to this form.....i was just thinking has tea watched the matrix? if he hasnt i dont think he should it might just turn his mind lol, not being nasty its just so identical.....nvm. Anyway i dont have half life one so mabe someone could point me to where the story of it is? one last thing who is g man? what did he do in no.1??? its strange that he kinda talks like a robot.....dont you think? Mabe God is no more than a highly inteligent race that said they created us for our help because he knew how we would end up? g man= god? A highly advanced robot who is the last survivor of his creators? The Creators?G man.....God Man?Leave it to your own minds. ba i babble... dont listen to my rambles. lol i just wanna know hl1 story :(
hl1 story= black mesa blew up with gordon inside and aliens invade earth the end
Death_Addict said:
Hey im new to this form.....i was just thinking has tea watched the matrix? if he hasnt i dont think he should it might just turn his mind lol, not being nasty its just so identical
Hmm... I saw 1 & 2... it wasn't my cup of tea... no pun intended ;) and I don’t rememver very much about them.. .so you may very well be correct in saying that it’s similar.
And for the record…
I’m sorry if I freaking offended everybody by bringing theoretical physics into a game about a theoretical physicist.
I just thought it would be fun to talk about...
Another theory Gordon becomes (eventually) the next G-Man not THE G-Man dont musenterpret... im saying that when gordon gets old he takes G-Mans job and tests another super warrior for battle. possible?
So G-Man is training his own replacement… you’re certainly not alone with that theory… I wonder why he would keep things so secretive then… Let’s face it… he is definitely deliberately manipulating (don’t necessarily read into a negative connotation here) Gordon by withholding information from him.
Yeh I think you're right... but one thing I can't understand, at times the G-Man can seem to be Gordon's friend or he seems to like Gordon but on the other hand he did threaten to kill Gordon in half life 1 and he did cause almost totall desruction of the earth.
Another thing weird about half life 1 is that, If anybody else saw this, the G-Man was yelling at a scientist in black mesa at the very beginning (Kleiner?) and seemed worried that the experiment might not work...or was he just putting on a show?
i keep on wondering is he part of a Team???
like there are 26 members all called "_" man. :D

eg . A-man, B-man, G-man etc :D
well g-man means government man
but nobody says that anymore except hippies
Is This Tea said:

Good job sounding intelligent, but this is a game with aliens and a crazy scientist that runs around rescuing the world. No cookie for you.
TheSomeone said:
Good job sounding intelligent, but this is a game with aliens and a crazy scientist that runs around rescuing the world. No cookie for you.
If thats what you want...
well just too keep up my thread from getting killed. i think gordon got freaked by the stuff he saw at BM and after the explosion it might all just be in his head if u understand what i mean???