Its All Flat! *angry Freaking Face!*


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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I'm a HUGE Mountain Dewaholic...and I stayed off the Dew for about a month * had beer holding its was a good month...anyway* I finally got my first 30 pack in a month, and so far, the first 3 damn cans are FLAT!


God, this stuff isn't near as good as it should be...I'm furious...and depressed.

It was me.

I'm so sorry. :(
I love that stuff, but I don't drink it much. Which makes me love it, thankfully.
i did that once and it exposhensed
Cut yourself.
You know you want it.
They took away your Mountain Dew, they'll start taking away your family too.
Just end it all right now.

Oh and can I have your telly when you die
Pfft, carbonation is for newbs. Real men decarbonate all beverages before drinking them.
I don't like normal Mountain Dew, I love me some Code Red though.
Real men make their own soda- out of the flesh of their enemies.

*looks at beerdude hungrily*
Is it just canned water or what?

WTF does Mountain Dew taste like?
Kill yourself now. A life without Mountain Dew is a life that's not worth living.
Mountain Dew is the most disgusting soda I have ever had the displeasure of drinking. Its like buying flat soda when its first opened. And it doesn't taste much better than if you were to take dew off of a moutain and drink it. After mixing it with something more disgusting.

I didn't read your thread, just the words "Mountain Dew" i thought it was a typo of "flat"

The joke is now dead. :(
"little sister your body has gone all flat, and your all gooey! I shaln't play with you until you've had a wash" - salad fingers
JNightshade said:
Real men make their own soda- out of the flesh of their enemies.

*looks at beerdude hungrily*

Well, I make my own soda.

Just out of grenadine and pelegrino though :/
Alright. I'm going to go get a can of dew from the bottom of the 30 pack..maybe it will be fizzy finally. Wish me luck.

Just opened it..not a single sound of fizzing.

Drink time. I taste SHIT. UTTER SHIT. You know when You can pour a can of pop into a cup, and it fizzes..well, this doesn't make a bubble :(
CyberPitz said:
Alright. I'm going to go get a can of dew from the bottom of the 30 pack..maybe it will be fizzy finally. Wish me luck.

Just opened it..not a single sound of fizzing.

Drink time. I taste SHIT. UTTER SHIT. You know when You can pour a can of pop into a cup, and it fizzes..well, this doesn't make a bubble :(

pwnt...refund it!