It's been 2ish months...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
And STILL people are idiots at this game! I'm appaled at how people act still. I expected there to be less accidental punishing/lone wolfing/etc. But nope. God Damnit this game sucks sometimes....

You actually thought there are people out there that generally play this game seriously? Theres thousands of morons who bought BF purley for flying planes.

Go buy flight sim you ding bats!
There are always people playing for their first or second time on every server- depending on what you're talking about ptiz, give em a break. Of course, if their noobishness entails tking, driving off without picking people up, etc, then yeah- im surprised people can be so dam stupid.
Lone wolfing just doesn't make sense in my book- if you want to go by yourself, why not be a squad leader? You can talk to your commander, get supplies, spots etc- common sense to me.
CyberPitz said:
And STILL people are idiots at this game! I'm appaled at how people act still. I expected there to be less accidental punishing/lone wolfing/etc. But nope. God Damnit this game sucks sometimes....


Yeah, that was so stupid.

You shoulda seen! He (cyber) threw a nade at an incomming tank, ducked out, and all of a sudden he's banned from the server. I look out and I see a pile of dead MEC's who all just HAD to get their c4 on the tank first, and ended up getting killed by the nade.
I've only played BF2 for about 6 hours in total, I just never have time to play it. Although I usally do alot better than some Lance corporals.
Unfocused said:
I thought you were done with BF2 for now?

CyberPitz said:
PS I'll still jump on if I can find someone worthy to play with *IE not a douchebag.* Since my lack of people to play with, and only pubbers...yuk..I've lost interest. Pubbers just make the game seem boring, and singleplayerish. I play MP to interact with others, greater the teamwork...not become a Lone Wolf. Anyway yeah. Gimme a holler if you wanna jump on some times. I'm usually up for games after midnight CST.
People are still idiots in bf1942, and thats been out for quite a while. Unfortunately it never stops in pubs.
The DemonWithin said:
People are still idiots in bf1942, and thats been out for quite a while. Unfortunately it never stops in pubs.
awwwww fiddle sticks.