It's been a year. what have i missed?


May 6, 2004
Reaction score
ok, guys, it's been about a year since i last played bf2 b/c i needed to focus on my first year of grad school. so what have i missed with the updates? i think i had 1.1 last.
was BF2 even out a year ago? i guess it's been about that long.

not a whole lot, there's the expansion pack, but the main game is mostly the same as it always has been.
Ennui said:
the main game is mostly the same as it always has been.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Commanders can airdrop jeeps from the sky now, and they're pinpoint accurate (imagine seeing a jeep fall down ontop of the helicopter you've been waiting to hop into, or a jeep smash into a lone sniper).

They've changed the dynamics of god damned EVERYTHING, trying to ballance things out.

It's not that these changes are bad tbh, but it's just so different from the original game that it's well, not the original game.
sinkoman said:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Commanders can airdrop jeeps from the sky now, and they're pinpoint accurate (imagine seeing a jeep fall down ontop of the helicopter you've been waiting to hop into, or a jeep smash into a lone sniper).

They've changed the dynamics of god damned EVERYTHING, trying to ballance things out.

It's not that these changes are bad tbh, but it's just so different from the original game that it's well, not the original game.

what have they changed?
You can't jump and shoot/chuck nades/chuck C4 anymore.
Bugs removed, bugs added, bugs remaining, crash causes removed, crash causes added, exploits..well you get the idea

Still love it though :D