its Dr. Kevorkian all over again

Ever wonder why people need assistance in killing themselves? I can think up 100 different ways without even trying.. unless they're looking for a "painless" death.

Anyhow, killing yourself is fine, but getting other people involved isn't.
Suicide "doctors" is a stupid concept, IMO, and it's wrong.
amen, if your going to kill yourself grow some balls and do it for your own dyin geriatric ass
Well some people might have the balls but not the physical abilities to kill themselves. Therefore, under strict conditions assisted suicide is tolerable imho.
^^ same as he said. Anyone remember that chick in brittain that had som muscle disease wich made her innable to move or speak? she had said earlier when she was able to speak that her housband could help her do suacide if her disease progressed to that stage, but the brittish court denied them that so she lived in pain for 6 monhts before she died :(
There are some big differences. This guy's not a doctor like mr. Kevorkian, he's a nurse. These nurses are called 'Angels of Death'. So he's killing hospital patients, not his own. Another main difference is that he kinda killed these people without their permission.
Like I said, there have to be strict rules and conditions to assist people with suicide. For instance, that person must be able to give permission for it and must comprehend the meaning of it. And there have to be other medical/psychological people to agree on this decision. In certain situations, where the outlook is certain death and a lot of pain and agony and unworthy for the person in question (and relatives) euthanasia is justifiable.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
amen, if your going to kill yourself grow some balls and do it for your own dyin geriatric ass

There are some cases where a person would not have the means to end their own life. Consider a quadriplegic for example or someone who is very frail with age. Another thing is that it's not exactly easy to kill yourself painlessly. You need access to certain drugs to accomplish that. So some people might not have a choice to do it themselves.

I'm currently undecided as to whether I agree with assisted suicide. There are some special cases where I think it might be for the best. But there is so much room to abuse the concept that I think it would be dangerous to consider it entirely acceptable.
Shuzer said:
Ever wonder why people need assistance in killing themselves? I can think up 100 different ways without even trying.. unless they're looking for a "painless" death.

Anyhow, killing yourself is fine, but getting other people involved isn't.
Suicide "doctors" is a stupid concept, IMO, and it's wrong.
Your opinion is stupid and uninformed.

Illnesses can debilitate someone quickly, ever hear of accidents, or detereorating health in a terminally ill patient. Science has the ability to force the body to sustain for a long time without making choices. An unconscious person does not agree to be resuscitated and placed on machines and life support. That decision is usually left to nearby family who are currently watching someone they love die.

Hospitals can be held accountable for witholding medical treatments--and that is what puts them at risk. That's why assisted suicide exists.

Passive Euthanasia is practiced quietly in some hospitals. This involves NOT force-feeding nutrients through IVs. This allow the body to weaken and death is allowed to happen. Pain medication is administered to prevent suffering. My family had to make this decision for my sister. Cancer advanced quickly through her body. In the last week, she could only communicate by blinking her eyes and then she was so heavily medicated because all the vains in her legss and arms were damaged from IVs. Despite the medication she would cry and moan when the nurse rolled her to clean her up. Her legs were swollen purple with blood under the skin from the weakening of blood vessel--this is what prolonged hospital treatment does. It causes more pain. To avoid further damage the doctor suggested a surgery which would install a valve in her chest to avoid future IVs. We saw no point in putting her through such pain. The IVs were removed and she died within a day.

That is the reality of watching someone die under hospital care. If that hospital did not permit passive euthanasia we would have had to remove her from the hospital (possibly with legal complications) and let her die in pain at home.

For someone who is looking forward to that kind of suffering, I think it is very sensible to want to die peacefully instead. Suicide doctors make sure that suffering doesn't occur. People choose horrible, painful ways to die and often don't succeed--only causing themselves more pain.
RoyalEF said:
Your opinion is stupid and uninformed.

blah blah blah

There's a difference between what you were talking about and most cases of "suicide doctors." I agree that people who are dying and in pain shouldn't have to be kept alive unless they have a chance of recovering. Also, as with your statement about people who are unconcious and can't make the decision, ever hear of a DNR order?

Anyway, alot (most) of the cases I've read/heard about involving "suicide doctors" involve people who are NOT paralyzed to the point where they're unable to move. Alot of cases involve people who are depressed/disfigured/whatever else. Basically, what I'm getting at is the people who seek the assistance of these "doctors" are cowards. This is why I say if these people really want to kill themselves, do it themselves, don't get other people involved.

There's a fine line between people dying in hospitals and people who seek suicide "doctors." I in no way meant to say that there aren't cases where people shouldn't be forced to live, just that people who visit suicide doctors (or, most people) can commit suicide without the assistance of one such "doctor."