Its Easy To Get From New York To Paris...

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Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
...according to Google Maps:

Follow these steps [in order of course]
1. Go to
2. Click on maps
3. Click on get directions at the top, under the search bar
4. Go from "New York" to "Paris, France"
5. Scroll down in the directions to number 23

I think i cried i laughed so hard. Classic. See, its just so easy...
At least the 3rd or 4th time this has been posted :p
ya, kinda old....but nevertheless funny
Wasn't funny the first time, still not funny the 294th time
I laughed on the first
chuckled on the second
I'm just not laughing on the 59th :(
Ok ok ok its the first time IVE seen it, got it in an email and like a giddy little kid posted it here...

wheres a mod when you need one?!
Haha, got this on a bulletin....I found it hilarious at first.
some people like to be rude.....AHEM
Enthusiam for post = good.

Amount of fail for a boring repost = Shit, my chart just exploded.
holy....crap....did the entire world JUST find out about this a week ago?! It's been on google for ages, Hey guys try this! Go to and zoom in all the way! IT TURNS TO CHEESE!!
holy....crap....did the entire world JUST find out about this a week ago?! It's been on google for ages, Hey guys try this! Go to and zoom in all the way! IT TURNS TO CHEESE!!

haha, yeah, that's funny.
holy....crap....did the entire world JUST find out about this a week ago?! It's been on google for ages, Hey guys try this! Go to and zoom in all the way! IT TURNS TO CHEESE!!

Thats the first time I have seen that. Well done :rolling:
This is the first time I've seen this, :(.

Wait.. How do black people get to France? Google discriminates, :frown:.
Is it stupid that i didn't find that at all funny?
haha nice, this works with any North American city to any european city
Any reposts of this should be a bannable offense.
holy....crap....did the entire world JUST find out about this a week ago?! It's been on google for ages, Hey guys try this! Go to and zoom in all the way! IT TURNS TO CHEESE!!

haha thats the first time ive seen that :cheers:cheers to you

Some bastard is posting this and then using the stolen accounts to repost it. Looks like they got ĐynastҰ!
holy....crap....did the entire world JUST find out about this a week ago?! It's been on google for ages, Hey guys try this! Go to and zoom in all the way! IT TURNS TO CHEESE!!


First time I've seen it, nice.
Stick a banana in the pooper for sexy results.
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