It's finally snowing here


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
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Ironically enough just earlier I was saying "It's goddamn December already, where the **** is the snow?!"

I blame video games and/or global warming.
No really noticeable amounts of snow in Pittsburgh yet (supposed to get a little today though).

But Austin and Houston got snow yesterday. What the heck?!
It never snows here. Ever.

well, on the mountains it does

but only pretty high up
We only had the first frost on Tuesday. We might get a day or two of snow in January or February if we're lucky.

Long may it continue, cold weather is hateful. We did have a hailstorm the other day, though.
Ironically enough just earlier I was saying "It's goddamn December already, where the **** is the snow?!"

I blame video games and/or global warming.

It snowed here in Dallas TX before it snowed there in Maryland!


But at least your snow lasts more than an hour... and can actually survive the temperatures of the pavement and concrete. :( :( :( :( :(
Snowed a bit here. Hell, it's probably gonna snow today. I love winter.
Here too.

Of course, just a hundred kms away from my position people are drowning in snow. :/
No snow. Just rain. Gloomy grey skies and constant rain.
Supposed to be snowing here today, I'm pretty damn excited.
Supposed to be snowing in Southern Maine today. Wooooooo
Snowed here last night, not much, but enough that winter can go **** itself
we got our first major snowfall and i've been sick since Thanksgiving. thank god for Mucinex because it cleared me up. now all i have to worry about is a blood nose from blowing so many tissues
Just started snowing now. Not enough to accumulate though.
Father, last Year, tons of snow: "IT SNOWED A LOT THIS YEAR, HAH, YEAH, 'GLOBAL WARMING' IS BS"

Father,this Year, no snow: "....."
Here in Denmark it's been snowing for around 15 minutes since we went into December.
I hate it when it's winter and it doesn't snow. I love snow. It makes everything stand out. It purifies the disgusting world we live in. When you're walking in below 15 degrees weather and you have snow thats coming to your thighs, that is damn awesome. You can literally fall down and drown in that white, freezing substance. I absolutely love it.

Actually, come to think of it, I like rain too.
Goddammit, this is why I dont like Kingston. Too close to a large body of water, so the temperature is milder and we get less snow. Wish I was back in Ottawa...
It technically just snowed here. Everyone was freaking out when they saw all seven flakes of snow falling. Everyone at work got all excited and ran outside to see, me and two other guys from up north just sat back going "Really? Its that big of a deal around here?"

Apparently it is, because its all everyone was talking about in this whole town and on local stations.
No really noticeable amounts of snow in Pittsburgh yet (supposed to get a little today though).

But Austin and Houston got snow yesterday. What the heck?!

Yeah man, just noticed the snow outside. This time last year it was already like a blizzard.
Have you looked outside?

Here it's been snowing since before the sun came up. (about 5 or 6 hours ago)

It started like a minute after I posted. ****ing good start winter, but an early doesn't mean you can slack off now.
No Snow in MO yet. Well, I lied, we got like 100 flakes the other day, but that's it.
No snow in Amsterdam. Lots of constant, drizzly rain though. For the meh.
It just snowed today. Unfortunately, it's probably gonna melt tomorrow.
It's stupid summer in stupid New Zealand :( ahh we never get snow where I live anyway.
Got a few inches on the ground now in northern Michigan. Not enough to sled, so it can piss off until then.
ha, it actually snowed here in NM twice already. The first time it didn't stick too much at the lower elevations but the second time it was a nice coating that lasted for a bit.
...pretty cold out - I use a passive cooling radiator mounted outside (currently in the snow). This is with no load: or it didn't happen: got our first snow today, and it's not screwing around.
I wonder if it's possible to put my pc in some sort of wrap and place it just outside, natural rape levels of cooling.


edit: it's ****ing 34 degrees where I am, and it's going to rain later this week
this is bullshit
Snowed one here around the 20th November I think, but it was gone after a few hours.
Yeah, finally snowed here yesterday! Most of it is gone, but some patches here and there...
Supposed to be a killer storm next week. Three week Christmas vacation? Yeeeeeeees.