Its going to be a while b4 we get hl2.


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
As you may have heard or noticed gabe posted a nice little thing over at hl2world... Now.... When you say something like what he did its almost the worst thing you can say to people that the only reason they crack games and such is for the thrill of doing it or just doing it becuase someone sas they cant.

The reason i bring this up is that their has been some "weird" problems with people playing games on steam that they didnt buy..... It wasent public knolage untill gabe made his statement and info like that as you may have guessed spread like wild fire. Im guessing that it wasent a DOS attack but more like valve shuttings its servers off from the shear amount of people downloading and playing CZ with steam. Valve has known about people being able to unpack their GCF's for a whyll now and im guessing gabe made his comment for when the CS:S beta comes out to see if they can hack a new format that im hopeing that they have been working on for a whyll.

This brings me to the point of this thread. It was 16 days a few days ago when he sent the email saying 16days till most big bugs will be gone. Their suggested release canidate was comeing on the 30th. These are all great news... Would you release a game on a service that you know as soon as you preload it for people that you would have people playing it? I think not...

Gabe or valve if you guys read my thread... PLEASE change from what ever way you are doing the files now and make it so we dont have half-life 2 out the same day as the preload, im guessing if people can install the game like that, then they wont care about getting banned and im really hopeing that CS:S doesnt get a OGC hook if you know what i mean :(
What.. in the world.. are you talking about?

Gabe said the 16 days statement on the 20th.
Furthermore, CZ isn't running rampant warezed on Steam.
It isn't. Show me proof, and I'll believe you.

VALVe patched out the ability to play CZ with a few illegal keys.
They patched out the ability to cheat the CC system.
They patched out the ability to run CZ as a third party mod.
You can't even preload it without paying... can ya?
.... What can i say about it that wont get me banned to prove it to you?
Anyway, to say VALVe shut off the servers (temporarily, mind you.. they're back up now! :O) to prevent people from playing their warezed copies of CZ is the most insane thing I've EVER heard.

BTW, did you try extracting the CZ GCFs? How about the Codename Gordon GCFs when it preloaded? Both were missing enough data so that they weren't able to be run.

Furthermore, are you talking about Gabe's post at HL2World regarding anti-piracy methods? He wasn't even referring to CZ..
..... Erg.... GCFscape 114beta can completly undo any gfc.

Edit : For the guy saying valve shut down so they couldnt play warezed copys. I didnt mean they shut it down so they couldnt play it but possibly shut it down to stop so many people from useing their bandwith to get the game. Now alot of people are haveing game crash's for authentication, im guessing valve added something like unreal has like a in game cd key check or something.
mayro said:
..... Erg.... GCFscape 114beta can completly undo any gfc.

"erg," I'm not saying the GCFs can't be viewed.. the data inside is not whole, however (when preloading, anyway).
I dont download or condone the downloading of illict materials although as you guys may noticed im on message boards like no buddys buisness reading every little thing i can. I personaly just started to learn c++ and computer program and i see the problem that valve is haveing and they could fix it so easily.

Valve... If for somereason you guys havent thought of it... Why dont you authenticate the purchase before allowing the person to download? AKA when it comes up to preload to have it look for the bill?
mayro said:
I dont download or condone the downloading of illict materials although as you guys may noticed im on message boards like no buddys buisness reading every little thing i can. I personaly just started to learn c++ and computer program and i see the problem that valve is haveing and they could fix it so easily.

Valve... If for somereason you guys havent thought of it... Why dont you authenticate the purchase before allowing the person to download? AKA when it comes up to preload to have it look for the bill?

mayro, you're on crack.

First off, Gabe never told HL2World that CZ is the most downloaded thing ever on Steam. He's made two posts. One regarding security, another regarding that "recent" CS:S leak.

Gabe_Newell @ HL2World said:
We're pretty sure that pirating Source games will be a bad idea. Nick Shaffner is ... creative.

To say he said that they're better than hackers makes no sense whatsoever. Furthermore, the reason there are more people on CZ today than yesterday is because it's a lazy Sunday. Less to do. And ALOT and I mean *ALOT* of people are BUYING CZ because of the CS:S beta.

Second, you're JUST starting to learn C++, and you can see how VALVe can fix a problem.. a problem that doesn't even exist.. but, past that, you can see how they can fix a problem that you can't see with your own eyes? You have no idea how simple or complex the Steam engine code is..
Dude i think you're overracting quite a bit. If anything majorly bad was wrong Valve would've fixed it by now. They've been working on this for years, i doubt they'll screw up at the last minute.
Erg I really dunno , I think Valve can outsmart any one who get's around their security system by applying steam patches. Let's hope Mayro is wrong.
Shuzer getting closer to post 7000 by the minute way to go!
I don't think any of you know how much code really goes into the making of a game. Wow. I am a C++ Programmer!
PS... Can you remember everyword that is in a 5000 page book?
.... err... i know the pope personally!! i'm allowed to call him johnny boy! :D
.... Thats it.... I dont like being called a lier so hear goes....


GABE "We're pretty sure that pirating Source games will be a bad idea. Nick Shaffner is ... creative."

This is gabes message to the website that has tons of info on something they shouldnt. Why valve gives them more info and talks to them so much i dont have a clue. From looking at their webpage my only guess can be they helped valve finish the game : 0

As i hope this wont be enough info to make anyone mad... But think of it this way. If you ever played a online video game you understand their are bugs. Think of valves steam as windows XP. It runs... IT works... But some times something BIG happens that you were not wanting it to do.

Valve would need to change 2 things. ONE! Not allow mods to be put into steam, AKA only updated through steam. No mod installs into steam without it going through steam.

2: they would need to change the way steam does cdkeys.
So basically you're afraid people will uncompile the GCF file and run the exe when they've preloaded HL2?

It says in that HL2 World Forum that Nick Schaffer (The Counter-Hacker at Valve) is responsible for some 999999999 ram bug that pops up when you try to do that.
I'm assuming that 999999999 ram bug makes you computer freeze when you try to play the uncompiled preloaded version of the game. I don't think there's anything to worry about there
mayro said:
.... Thats it.... I dont like being called a lier so hear goes....


GABE "We're pretty sure that pirating Source games will be a bad idea. Nick Shaffner is ... creative."

This is gabes message to the website that has tons of info on something they shouldnt. Why valve gives them more info and talks to them so much i dont have a clue. From looking at their webpage my only guess can be they helped valve finish the game : 0

As i hope this wont be enough info to make anyone mad... But think of it this way. If you ever played a online video game you understand their are bugs. Think of valves steam as windows XP. It runs... IT works... But some times something BIG happens that you were not wanting it to do.


I'm so confused. What are you TRYING to say?

Gabe's posted twice at HL2World. The rest are e-mails. No one at HL2World has helped VALVe finish the game.

Then you skip to "DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GET CZ!!!"? What are you trying to tell us!?
This, without a doubt, is the most confusing thread i've ever read.

What in the name of inflated assholes is mayro talking about.
the only thing i can figure out is that mayro is the result of having to wait for this game for too long. so he has developed a paranoiac sense about everything.. .
so he is starting to freak out...

more people will follow until the game is forced to be released

coming soon. 2005.
Maybe CZ is made of poison and when you put it in your computer it makes poison come out the screen and blind you so you can't play DOOM 3 and mayro is the only one who knows because he can see the signs and hl2world made a post with Gabe where he said that hackers equal bad and therefore poison equals good because hacker and poison are like rock and paper which covers rock and there's nothing the rock can do so Gabe is saying that you should buy Half-Life 2 and not DOOM 3 and there's nothing the hackers can do to stop him!


Ok i'm going to break this down for the benefit of myself.

mayro's thoughts

1. He starts off by saying everyone is downloading Condition-zero for free.
2. He thinks people can crack gcf files and play games through steam for free
3. He wants Valve to fix the problem so people don't crack GCFs in the future

Now for the "as far as i know" segment
1. You can't download condition-zero for free (as far as i know)
2. You can't crack gcf files and play the games for free on steam(as far as i know)
3. Valve doesn't need to fix something that is currently not broken (as far as i know..)

If anyone has information that disproves the "as far as i know" segment please release it.
I don't get where in the hell he gets his view point from...
GABE "We're pretty sure that pirating Source games will be a bad idea. Nick Shaffner is ... creative."
How did he come up with all his ramblings from that one little sentence.
mayro said:
A GCF is compiled.
I know, but i thought you were saying people could uncompile it, therefore preloading it is a bad idea and makes it easier to pirate

but like i said earlier

Sparta said:
So basically you're afraid people will uncompile the GCF file and run the exe when they've preloaded HL2?

It says in that HL2 World Forum that Nick Schaffer (The Counter-Hacker at Valve) is responsible for some 999999999 ram bug that pops up when you try to do that.
I'm assuming that 999999999 ram bug makes you computer freeze when you try to play the uncompiled preloaded version of the game. I don't think there's anything to worry about there

Like i said, the GCF file is compiled when it's preloaded.
Shuzer said:
I'm so confused. What are you TRYING to say?

Gabe's posted twice at HL2World. The rest are e-mails. No one at HL2World has helped VALVe finish the game.

Then you skip to "DO NOT ATTEMPT TO GET CZ!!!"? What are you trying to tell us!?

I now how you feel shuzer...

I think he is just confused and thinks that gabe's quote was something it wasn't
Sparta said:
I know, but i thought you were saying people could uncompile it, therefore preloading it is a bad idea and makes it easier to pirate

but like i said earlier

Like i said, the GCF file is compiled when it's preloaded.

I really hate to say it man, but really any protection made by man will be undone by man. If people can crack starforce 3 "By the way if valve used this it would definatly keep the game off the internet for atleast 2 weeks" then im sure they can get around a ram error. When games end up messing up becuase of the protection they use "Pain killer and farcry" where the worst excuse's for pc cd copying protection ever. It worked SO WELL that even the people who bought the game couldnt play it untill patchs came out.

Actually.... Come to think about it since im sure valve will read this in the morning. One of the best ways that i can think of for keeping the preload off the net would be to keep the exe out of the GFC untill the release day. Yes some sites have source and some sites have the beta but i dont belive they could make a working .exe in 12 days. So their you go valve, save money and just keep some key files needed to run the game out of the preload. :)
Mr-Fusion said:
Now for the "as far as i know" segment
1. You can't download condition-zero for free (as far as i know)
2. You can't crack gcf files and play the games for free on steam(as far as i know)
3. Valve doesn't need to fix something that is currently not broken (as far as i know..)
Ok, i've since found out the "as far as i know segment" may not entirely be true....

Oh dear.....
Mr-Fusion said:
Ok, i've since found out the "as far as i know segment" may not entirely be true....

Oh dear.....

Enlighten us Mr-Fusion
Seeing as everyone seems to be haveing trouble understanding my posts. I will try to make this one very clear. When Badger and Chris get on in the morning i will give them the link to the info at which point they can say "Nope mayro wasent lieing, it was just 5am when he was typeing posts :0". As for what gabe said I will try to make this as clear as I possibly can.

People that do the cracking of games do so for the challange. They dont do it for money or anything like that. Think of it this way useing a hypothetical situation in which you are in the army. Your drill instuctor tells you that you will never learn how to put your gun together. So just despite your drill sargent you took him up on his challange and the next day you where able to put the weapon together yes, but also faster than anyone else.

The way I am looking at what gabe said is that half-Life 2 will be a very secure game. From what ive read online some people could possible take that as a challange. If gabe sas that their ram bug and other such things will make it hard for people to copy and use the game then what could be worse than Halflife2 ending up on the internet free of all the things that they put in it to make it not worth copying and also before the release of the game?

It seems as if people, baseing this off of what ive heard about the thefts of counter strike condition zero is that it is indeed very easy and was being done by alot of people. As we know valve plans to PRELOAD CS : S and HL2. If valve where to use the same GCF format for HALFLIFE 2 and CS : S then it is very possible that it would end up on the net before it got to the stores.

If anyone didnt understand this last post leave a post with what you didnt understand and i will somehow try to make it make sense.
mayro said:
I really hate to say it man, but really any protection made by man will be undone by man. If people can crack starforce 3 "By the way if valve used this it would definatly keep the game off the internet for atleast 2 weeks" then im sure they can get around a ram error. When games end up messing up becuase of the protection they use "Pain killer and farcry" where the worst excuse's for pc cd copying protection ever. It worked SO WELL that even the people who bought the game couldnt play it untill patchs came out.

Actually.... Come to think about it since im sure valve will read this in the morning. One of the best ways that i can think of for keeping the preload off the net would be to keep the exe out of the GFC untill the release day. Yes some sites have source and some sites have the beta but i dont belive they could make a working .exe in 12 days. So their you go valve, save money and just keep some key files needed to run the game out of the preload. :)

Dude like i said, Valve have been planning Steam distribution for about 2 or 3 years now, i'm pretty sure they have everything covered. As for someone cracking the ram bug thing. Sure its entirely possible and one day it might happen but then Valve can simply update steam or the compiled GCF with some entirely new counter-hack.

I think you're simply over-reacting way to much, to a very simple statement.

And, for all we know, the preload might not include a few vital files that are needed to run the game, maybe the send out those files come the real release date.
Icarus said:
I now how you feel shuzer...

I think he is just confused and thinks that gabe's quote was something it wasn't

Just to clear that up for you man, it was after that post that i was getting upset that no one was beliveing me so i had typed out some things that i shouldnt "didnt want to get banned so luckaly even after this bottle of 151 my common sense kicked in".
Yes, i admit i didn't know what you were trying to say at first mayro.

But he's right, there is a way to get CZ for free off steam AND play it on steam. I'll just leave it at that. This just puts a big fat question mark on the security of hl2 now.
Guys, its 5:10am here... its time for me to get to sleep. When i get up in to morning ill awnser any questions you have "Except for how to do it". Should be back in here by 11:30am est.

Admins: Since no one is telling how to do this, if you could please try to leave this thread open as i would like someone at valve to have a resource for the crap thats plagueing steam. It seems as if stuff like this is all over the net but valve never really gets to see whats going on.

Everyone Else: If you have any info on things happening to steam like something like this it would be best to get it out now instead of them learning about it before the release of halflife2.
Why don't they just take out some essential files for the pre-load, then finish the download when it releases?
A long long time ago... i can still remember ...

when someone hacked the demo videos they preloaded over steam. IIRC valve took action, and encrypted the videos before preloading. Not until the day of release did they send out the magic decryption key. Granted, if enough people threw enough computers together they could probably decypher it regardless. But the preload only lasts 10 days?

Everything is cool, let's just chill a bit!