I'ts got to be steam related.

SGT Tenor

Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
I'd have to say with all of the demand and serverr stress that steam has last week really surprised VAlve. in order for them to get rid of some of the tweaks in the system they needed some time. I can wait! I know I'm dissapointed as well as many of you. Whenever there is an official release by valve we will know for sure.
Well, there is still 10 servers missing from the Steam server list, and I'm sure more will come for the eventual release...

Also, I'm not quite sure if it is Steam-related at all. It seems everything has been giong smoothly since the first rush.
This is the only delay reason that would be remotely acceptable without pissing off thousands of fans who feel disrespected by Valve. Any other reason should have been seen in advance and a delay reported long ago, whereas it's possible for this to sneak up on them and require a last minute delay.

That said, I seriously doubt that steam is the reason behind the delay...