It's hitlers birthday!!!!

short recoil

Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
And mine too!!!!

I'm 20 now.......i suddenly feel quite old, prob the first birthday "i wish i was younger" lol.
My dogs (Died a while ago) birthday was on april 20th too, it was wierd, he was a GERMAN Boxer.

Coincidence? I think not - he was a re-incarnation of hitler! omg!
It's also the International Stoners' Day. Let's celebrate! :farmer:
July 31st is National Orgasm Day. I'll be celebrating that day. And also September the 19th - National Speak Like a Pirate Day.
And May 12th, National ****ing Awesome Day (my birthday)
Reginald said:
July 31st is National Orgasm Day. I'll be celebrating that day. And also September the 19th - National Speak Like a Pirate Day.
Go look at all my posts from last September the 19th. I know my shit. :thumbs:
Heil, and Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday would sound better in German though.
well, your b-day is in april (like me), so therefore you rule. Have fun man.
evil^milk said:
well, your b-day is in april (like me), so therefore you rule. Have fun man.
so is mine, april 14th ftw! i'm newly seventeen :)
Y'know what funny? short recoil is almost exaclty 5 years older than me :) My birthday is tomarrow (April 21, 2 days from now in Canada.)
Happy birthday!

It's mine tomorrow, same as zee QUEEN BEE


Oh ****, same birthday as snoop Dog--
It's like your avatar is staring at that foul beast in horror. Happy Birthday SR!
One of my roomates (and best friend) has the same birthday, named his Volkswagen Jetta "Adolph", and is dating a girl who lived in Germany for a few years.

People have said in the past I look a little jewish and with a name like "Noah" do you think I should be scared? :O

I'm kidding by the way, all those are true facts but taken way out of context. I absolutely love the guy in the non-homoerotic way and he is definitaly nothing like a National Socialist.
Lol that sucks.. I mean not really, but I wouldn't have to worry since I am Aryan race.
Mexicans and now you're bragging you're the perfect race.
Hey I'm not bragging. I was just talking about his situation. It is not that great being Aryan, no one likes being called a Nazi. As for the Mexicanas I do show them respect, but their gang shit is really pissing me off.
Murray_H, so tomarrow I'll be a year older in UK, and a year younger in NA?
Dog-- said:
Y'know what funny? short recoil is almost exaclty 5 years older than me :) My birthday is tomarrow (April 21, 2 days from now in Canada.)
Your car is almost the same as mine except it's a different model and color!
Tomorrow (4/20) is National High-Five Day too!

So don't forget to give your friend that special high-five he so deserves.
I turned 17 last monday, but I didn't care that much. Congrats, Short Recoil.
congrats you old fart. i'll be inheriting your kingdom, right?
Happy Birthday short recoil.

Hitler was a great guy.
So are a born on the same day of the year hitler was born and I am born on the same day of the year that hitles killed himself? Cool.