It's too hot - but it's worse for these guys.


Aug 17, 2006
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Well here its 36 degrees inside and 41 degrees outside at 4pm local time.
But as bad as it is for me, I can't imagine how hot it is for the firefighters fighting the huge fires out there.

The fires that have burnt more than 177,000 hectares of national park and private property are unlike any before, having arrived months ahead of the normal fire season and continuing to burn wild through the night.,20867,20886998-601,00.html

What's really worrying is how early they have come - its only the start of summer, it gets worse in Jan/Feb and these bushfire's have been compared to our worst one on"Black Friday".

I've been here all my life (20 years) and in that time we've only evacuated once, so I'm not that worried about our house coming under threat but its always been a possibility - now, it seems, more than ever.
Is there a winter in Australia? =]

Because here it's like 2 degrees Celcius...
Winter in Australia is... oh, i dunno... 10 degrees Celcius. Maybe more, during the day.
Winter in Australia is cold as ****. At least in Perth. Or maybe it's just me.
It's the same way how summer in Britain is 16 degrees or something. > > (possible urban myth)

Yeah, it's summer over here, and it's sweltering. It's bloody bushfire season... or more accurately, bushfire season has started early, and it's raging out of control.
The ignorance is strong in this thread.

Hint: The seasons are opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres.
I can't blame the behaviour on anything more than Global Warming. It's all the car fumes, and wasted energy. The problem with governments and priministers is that they only care about something when it occurs, not before ;(
It's not that hot over here in Perth yet. Topping 30 at most. What does it is the humidity, we just arn't used to it! D:
Its been pretty cool today, late afternoon yesterday a change came in :).
Kangaroos hope around the city central and everyone goes to work drunk.
Well over here it's quite a mellow winter compered to last year. Back then the negative temperature peaked at around (I'm not kidding) -36 degrees Celsius:eek: , and no I'm not living in Siberia:P . Now it's about 4-6 degrees in the day.
It's always that warm in Australia during the summer, isn't it? At least the more Northern parts.

Remember guys, Australia is a pretty damn big place. The more Northern parts probably hardly even have a winter.

But yes, it is summer...
In the temperate areas, (around the level of Perth, sydney and melbourne) the summers are hot and dry. Tempuratures can get up to the forties, and the hottest I've ever seen was 48 C. That day SUCKED.

Up in the north west of Australia, it is all desert. And bauxite, opal and natural gas mining. In the north and north east of Australia you have the real tropics with rainforests. In the summer it is hot and humid as hell, and in the winter it is warm, humid as hell AND wet. I would hate to live there.

Then in Tasmania (where all the freaks and convicts are :P) it is reletively mild in the summer, but can get pretty cold in the winter. I have no experiance of Tasmania so I wouldn't have much of an idea.

Does that reveal all?

Oh and the absolute dryest place in Australia is the space between Ayers Rock and the Simpson desert... so basically the Nullabor. In really sucks to have a break down out there. :(
it's too cold over here! feel sorry for us!!
Yea I thinks I'll take our 40 over your 10 :p

Australia's north basically just has the two, wet and dry, seasons.
Its funny seeing the 7 day forecast for Darwin, I'll give you an example I remember from last summer.

Sunny, 39
Sunny, 39
Sunny, 39
Sunny, 39
Sunny, 39
Sunny, 39
Sunny, 39

Look here is a real one!
Tuesday       Afternoon or overnight storm.        Min 26    Max 34
Wednesday     Afternoon or overnight storm.        Min 26    Max 34
Thursday      Afternoon or overnight storm.        Min 26    Max 34
Friday        Afternoon or overnight storm.        Min 26    Max 34

How's that for some weather variation ;).
Brrrr... after 2 weeks of biting hot weather we just had 2 rainstorms poured down our backs... and straight back out to see because none of it fell in our dams.

NSW and Eastern Australia is in drought at the moment and has been for the past few years...
Strangely, it hasn't been too hot here in Brisbane... yet.
LOL it's nice down here in Tasmania, Some idiot last night at about 4am set a dumpster bin across the road on fire, Lucky there was no wind or the whole street would have gone up.

*Sigh* I'm heading up to New south wales on Saturday, I will be up there for 5 weeks :( I think I'm going to die.
Oh god, The footage on the TV make me curl up into a ball, so much goddamm fire. I know i'm going to be safe and all living in the City - but my heart goes out to all the Men and Women on the Fire Line...

Did any of the other major cities get smoke like this?
We got a bit of smoke down here, in fact it was probably the same.
Sparda you're in Adelaide?

Casue that was this weekend, and we're meant to get another batch next weekend...
I'm in the North part of Tasmania, I'm closer to VIC than you.
It's all the car fumes, and wasted energy. The problem with governments and priministers is that they only care about something when it occurs, not before ;(

Naw, it'd be happening anyways. I blame Al Gore for talking out of his ass.
I'm in the North part of Tasmania, I'm closer to VIC than you.

Victorian through and through here!

I can't find it but the picture that was in The Age {newspaper} last week showed the smoke over Victoria / Tassie - looked damm cool.