ITT Cake

Every song, every album. I'm a Cake nut! =O

Right now I'm quite liking the song Jolene, off their first album. It seems a bit different from a lot of their other stuff, and sort of stands out to me.

If I had to choose a favorite album, it would probably be Prolonging the Magic.
My favorite album would have to be a tie between "Comfort Eagle" and "Prolonging the Magic", with "Fashion Nugget" not far behind. I don't really care much for "Pressure Chief". I'm not familiar with anything earlier than "Fashion Nugget" though, is there anything else before that?

Favorite song would probably be "Shadow Stabbing" off "Comfort Eagle"
Frank Sinatra is the best song evar.

Also, I saw them live for free last year. It was fantastic- dudes were crowdsurfing and all.
Cool, I'll have to check that out, thanks!


EDIT: Awwww.... no pics in this forum :(
Eh, alternative for the move part. I just can't get enough lately. Comfort Eagle (album) is so epic.

I'm surprised Sinko hasn't posted here yet.
First time I heard of this, listening to it right now. Pretty relaxing. Not exactly my type of music though.
Prolonging the Magic and Comfort Eagle are the best