I've come to the conclusion that...(No real spoilers)


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
If you haven't gotten to ohh...the airboat, possible uber minor spoiler...

I've come to the conclusion that
Manhacks are the new headcrabs
i hate those ****ers, but..

I blew up a room with about 10 of them in it, ah it was soo good

Until 20 more come at ya!!! hehehe...oh, and manhacks + headcrabs = ow!
Everything seems so much harder to kill (combine are easy), and yes manhacks are annoying but that's challenging and fun.
I love the manhacks, they are fun to fight. Headcrabs get annoying though. I've been scared out of my mind twice now because of Zombies jumping out at me.
the speed of the HC attack is annoying, also the damage from HM's is insane on hard...
Manhacks are easy. 2-3 well timed whacks with the crowbar and they're toast.

Combine are disappointingly easy to kill. The AI is worse than HL1's marines... :(
Manhacks are easy. 2-3 well timed whacks with the crowbar and they're toast.

Combine are disappointingly easy to kill. The AI is worse than HL1's marines... :(
Holy shit...HL2.net is messed up for me. Every time i had pressed submit reply it says it timed out...sorry for the triple post....