I've created a monster at work!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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I sent to one of the people at work MSN Messenger Plus!. Well, she discovered the whole "send sound clips" and such. We start downloading sounds and sending it to each other. Well, today 6 other people have the client sending sounds and such to each other. Quite odd....I said if anybody gets in trouble its her for sending it :P We are all cracking up. Good thing it's a dead week since everybody is out of school and nobody to call the tech support :D
i hate that thing, people keep on spamming usuless junk
There are some negative spots, but all in all, it's goofy. At least everybody is laughing :P
I do Tech Support....most of the people who are doing this though are the Sales Reps
First you put people on hold, now this D:

"I'd be...feather man!"

"Don't be alarmed Mr Bond! ITS JUST A DEADLY FEATHER!"
MSN Plus <3

Nice way to share music samples.