I've Finished Hl2!!!

I have to say the intro sequence to the end chapter, has to be the most unbelievably good piece of mapping ive ever seen.
Proof, but not spoil?

Impossible, heheh :D.
A.I. said:
Proof, but not spoil?

Impossible, heheh :D.

You just have to get there, it's the most brilliant ending I've ever seen.

You enter the Citadel and go all the way to the top in a carriage, then you loose all your weapons -- except the manipulator. The manip gets upgraded and you can OWN ANYTHING. You can tear computers from walls, drag mad guys and smash them. Then there is a cliff hanger ending where the GMan makes an appearance -- he is soooooo cool!
I'll wait to see it with my own eyes, thank you very much :D
When I got to Nova Prospekt my RSI kicked in and made it extremely tiresome to go on. But I'll finish it tomorrow. :p
damn guys, I can't belive that you want to go through the game asap since we've been waiting for the game for years. For me I had to stop playing after 4h(this is the first game that I played more than 2h in a row), want to enjoy it for atleast 5 days after all this wait.
show me a pic of it couse i can't even play hl2 till x-mas!!
plz show me pic!
(even if ya have to pm it to me PLZ i wanna seee!)
That was.... incredible. The ending.... oh yeah. Those final moments.... brilliance.

Having just played HL2 through in one sitting, on very little sleep, I am now grinning like a madman. That was bloody brilliant.
Logic said:
That was.... incredible. The ending.... oh yeah. Those final moments.... brilliance.

Having just played HL2 through in one sitting, on very little sleep, I am now grinning like a madman. That was bloody brilliant.
you sir, are hardcore.

hehe i expect to beat it in like two weeks.
Not so much 'play so fast' as it is 'can't stop playing'.
Too good.
I have been on it without a break since 8AM (when it was released.. I am at the very end, or so it seems.. but im stuck..

Dont read below if you dont want spoiler...


I just got the blue AHEM! and now im stuck, killed the people and theres only 2 ways to go.. 1 way i can see has a small fense and a big blue lazer.. the other is sealed off...
I stayed up all night, beat it in 11 hours, just in time for my college algebra class, which I napped through, and then I came home and played it some more. I still haven't slept (unless you call napping in a 50 minute class sleep) since the release time of 12:00AM PST

Not read this topic as i am part way through, dont wanna ruin it, but from the Thread name i gather u finished, although it may have been great was it really nescesarry to finish within hours, you probably waited years just to finish it withing 24 hours, im taking my time, sucking in the gameplay and such, enjoy every minute, experience every headcrab, but this is just my opinion, if u really love completeing it so fast go ahead.
Its not about completeing it fast for me, its more.. if i goto sleep, come back play an hour here an hour there.. i simply wont have the full effect.. ill forget bits and forget what the plot... prefer to do games in one sitting for the full feel good factor :D
i've had little sleep the day before, but that didn't prevent me from going through the game from the moment it got activated, to about an half hour ago :D

this game surpasses even the original hl, and that says a lot.....
we have a winnar folks

gotta play through it about 20-2000 more times tough :D
Yep, finished it.
But if you ask me the ending was a bit of a let down. I expected answers but it seems we're gonna get them in half life 3 (the last hl?). All we really found out was that breen was the administrator at black mesa, which doesn't really matter now as black mesas been and gone and breens dead now too. BUT there was that alien on the big screen that he was talking to, something about a host body. It just seems that the gman is pimping you out to allsorts of different factions. Hopefully theres a grand purpose which brings in all the seperate incidents, explains them, explains how gordons so great seen as he is just a wimpy scientist and finally find out what the gmans agenda is and who he's working for. Back to hl2 what I really didn't like is the fact that you go through all that and dont even get to know how the city turns out and the big love story, she almost gets it out in that lift but holds back ( here was me thinking yeah it'll come when the citadel falls and everyones liberated, then they kiss whilst the sun sets) and it ends. I'll give valve credit for surprising us all (and making a great game) but pleeeeeeeease give us some answers in hl3. Maybe even (this is gonna earn me a flaming) end it all in hl3 and tie everything up and reunite alyx and gordon! That's enough for me for now
Elyas said:
Not so much 'play so fast' as it is 'can't stop playing'.
Too good.
Exactly :) I just wanted to experience the game in it's entirety.. as close as possible to actually BEING Gordon :p. I'll definately dive in over and over again though to absorb the details I missed the first time.