I've got a job at google!


Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
From : [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent : 02 April 2007 05:44:02
To :
Subject : come work at google


google would like you to work for us please work at google if you would like to
work at google please reply with lal your personal information thank you

I'm off to make my millions, adios suckers!

Seriously though, this guy is a day late, did anyone else get an e-mail like this?
Personally I'm impressed with the obvious care the author has taken with his grammar "please work at Google if you would like to work at Google". I can see this e-mail will get a lot of people to send their "personal information thank you" to him.
*Christ why do these people even try*
Maybe it's not a hoax and they're looking for a spell checker?
you never know, they could be really bad at english at google
What do they mean by 'personal information'? Are they going to come to your house and rape you?
i think by personal information they meant mail address but who knows maybe they were phishing for credit card info lolol but that would be an awful thing to do on april fools day but why do you think its a day late it really bugs me also i dont see any grammatical mistakes there
i think by personal information they meant mail address but who knows maybe they were phishing for credit card info lolol but that would be an awful thing to do on april fools day but why do you think its a day late it really bugs me also i dont see any grammatical mistakes there

Google usually has a capital letter.
I vote it's just a usual scam...nothing special, and completely NOT from Google...*imo.*

It's easy to spoof
you never know, they could be really bad at english at google

"at english at google" is that wrong or am I being bad at grammar as usual.
I'm not having a go I actually want to know :rolling:
"at english at google" is that wrong or am I being bad at grammar as usual.
I'm not having a go I actually want to know :rolling:

I think it should me more along the lines of, "Bad with English at Google"
no i meant the latter, i think it sounds right, but who cares, you knew what i meant :D
"dont speak English well at google"

Would be the proper phrasing.

Anyways, this is clearly not a scam and you would be squandering a once in a lifetime opportunity if you didnt take them up on the offer.

Scammers like these are actually doing a service to our society by doing this. Anyone retarded enough to actually fall for this scam should have their identity stole and go broke, so that they cant afford to have kids and thus preventing future generations from retardation.
The sad thing is, there are actually recruiters that inept.

I actually got an email a few months back with the exact subject line "do you want a career in hEad-hunting??" and no body text whatsoever.
I ignored it and got a phonecall to follow up two days later. Why would anyone want a career in headhunting with a company whose employees are so inept they can't even attract an out of work person desperate to break into the industry?
How many cardboard box homeless people have you seen with kids?
"dont speak English well at google"

Would be the proper phrasing.

Anyways, this is clearly not a scam and you would be squandering a once in a lifetime opportunity if you didnt take them up on the offer.

Scammers like these are actually doing a service to our society by doing this. Anyone retarded enough to actually fall for this scam should have their identity stole and go broke, so that they cant afford to have kids and thus preventing future generations from retardation.

One word for you: Welfare.
"dont speak English well at google"

Would be the proper phrasing.

Anyways, this is clearly not a scam and you would be squandering a once in a lifetime opportunity if you didnt take them up on the offer.

Scammers like these are actually doing a service to our society by doing this. Anyone retarded enough to actually fall for this scam should have their identity stole and go broke, so that they cant afford to have kids and thus preventing future generations from retardation.

Your post, sir, just won the thread.