ive had enough


Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
now when i try to play it freezes at the select class/spawnpoint screen but i see action going on in the background..

i am very close to taking this ***** game back to the store, its impossible to get a good game without some **** happening to prevent any fun what so ever. Whether it be the terrible lag or just a typical freeze... i have never been so dissapointed in the amount of buggyness ive seen in one game..

thank you EA, **** you
bryanf445 said:
now when i try to play it freezes at the select class/spawnpoint screen but i see action going on in the background..

i am very close to taking this ***** game back to the store, its impossible to get a good game without some **** happening to prevent any fun what so ever. Whether it be the terrible lag or just a typical freeze... i have never been so dissapointed in the amount of buggyness ive seen in one game..

thank you EA, **** you
This is really what it should be saying:
bryanf445 said:
now when i try to play it freezes at the select class/spawnpoint screen but i see action going on in the background..

i am very close to taking this Great game back to the store, its impossible to get a good game without some Good happening to prevent any fun what so ever. Whether it be the terrible lag or just a typical freeze... i have never been so dissapointed in the amount of buggyness ive seen in one game..

thank you EA, Love you
Sort of like MadLibs.. Haha. :)

I've run out of ideas for you.. Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling.. I can't think of anymore..
Shamrock said:
This is really what it should be saying:

Sort of like MadLibs.. Haha. :)

I've run out of ideas for you.. Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling.. I can't think of anymore..

tried it already, i hate this so much, great game gone to waste
That's what you get for buying the game right away ;p. Kidding.

But that is why I haven't bought it yet. The demo is fun to endure even with the bugs just because it's free. I'm not paying for something bug filled to always ruin the fun. I WILL buy the game after a patch or two comes out and people verify the major fun crushing things have been fixed :].
Aye, game is buggy (I mean I got TK'ed because my name was in red to other players... wtf? Several people confirmed it too, so it wasn't jsut one guy being a jack-ass)

Server browser is slow, and when I DO fine an open slot on a ranked server, I click the server name, but it has to decide right then it should freeze and wait about 15 seconds when the slot is taken up... Then it'll decide to unfreeze.

Game hasn't crashed, but I have gotten corrupt loads (where the graphics go funky... Like sandbags only have a reflective metal texture on them that looks like liquid goo... wtf?)

So I'm quite disappointed that EA had to release this buggy game... I know it wasn't DICE's fault (wasn't DICE bought after BF1942?) so silly EA and their pressure really forced this one out the door too early I think.

After a patch or two... maybe even three this game should be fine :)
Bryan try deleting the files & folders in the cache directory.

Clearing Shader Optimizations: At the moment there are times when you change the graphical settings and the demo will not optimize the shaders. This can increase lag/freezes and reduce performance. To ensure you overcome this, change the settings the way you want them then quit the game. Go to your \Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\cache\ directory and delete all the folders underneath it. The next time you start the game and play single or multiplayer, your shaders will be optimized.

You have to learn how to navigate the server browser without ****ing up and having it freeze or crash. This can be done by not clicking everything like mad. I know it really sucks, but you have to just take your time and go slow, and watch the background video. If it starts getting choppy, stop what you're doing.

I can pretty much guarantee you're crashing over a user error, not a bug in the game.
Or delete the movies folder like 98% of the people who no longer get lag

I never have crashes at the server browser now that I deleted the movies folder.
If you're unhappy about deleting the folder, just rename it.
Make sure agp fast writes are disbaled in BIOS. Also make sure cool + quiet is disabled if you have an AMD. Perhaps disable aggressive timing as well is possible.

Next update vid card drivers, if you have the highest get an older version. Make sure you un install the old driver, restart, then install the new ones and restart to make sure you have a fresh install.

If that doesn't solve it, turn lighting, shadows and dynamic lighting to low/off and see if that helps at all.
What really annoys me is when the bloody server browser freezes. That pisses me off to no end!
That coats show was awesome, wonder how they did the midget.
Try to defrag your computer, on a note though, you should only defrag at max once a month, people suggest probably every 4-9 months. It wears out your hard driver.
If this still happens, reinstall your computer, yes, reinstall.
hmm switching user accounts worked, but once i select my class and spawn point it freezes, any ideas
bryanf445 said:
now when i try to play it freezes at the select class/spawnpoint screen but i see action going on in the background..

i am very close to taking this ***** game back to the store, its impossible to get a good game without some **** happening to prevent any fun what so ever. Whether it be the terrible lag or just a typical freeze... i have never been so dissapointed in the amount of buggyness ive seen in one game..

thank you EA, **** you

firewalls ?

nah, **** it...............
no i fixed it, switched user accounts and then lowered settings down to low, even know i get 90+fps oh well... thanks for the help