Jack thompson accidentily sends game fan wrong email meant for the attorney general


May 5, 2004
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he sent this email that was clearly not for public eyes ..it calls for the County attorney to look into charges that Best Buy and Target willfully engage in criminal behaviour for selling GTA:SA ...despite the fact that there is NO nude material in the retail version of the game. He even suggest he coached Hilary Clinton before her press conference yesterday

Here's the entire email

July 14, 2005
The Honorable Amy Klobuchar
Hennepin County Attorney
C-2000 Government Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota Via Fax to 612-348-9712

The Honorable Mike Hatch
Attorney General of the State of Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota Via Fax to 651-282-2155

Re: Probable Criminal Sale of Sexual Material Harmful to Minors by Best Buy
and Target in Hennepin County in Violation of Minnesota Statute 617.291, et

Dear Ms. Klobuchar and Mr. Hatch:

Recently I had the distinct pleasure of meeting personally with two fine
lawyers in the Hennepin County Attorney’s office regarding the distribution
of violent, mature-rated video games to minors. I appreciate that

My wife, who is also a lawyer, is from the Twin Cities area and a graduate
of St. Olaf College. I have spent many wonderful days in your community
over the past thirty years. Unfortunately, I was sitting in the old
Bloomington stadium with my future father-in-law when Drew Pearson committed offensive interference to catch Roger Staubach’s “Hail Mary” pass in the 1975 NFC title game.

I write to inform you of a flagrant breach of the rules far more
consequential. It involves the knowing theft of the innocence of hundreds
of thousands of children in the Twin Cities and around the country by two
Hennepin County, Minnesota corporations-Target and Best Buy.

I spent time this week working with U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s
office which effort culminated in her nationally-reported news conference
today from our nation’s capital. Senator Clinton decried the ongoing
distribution across the nation of a violent video game entitled Grand Theft
Auto: San Andreas, which sales are resulting in the viewing of sexually
explicit material by minors.

Given the facts, which are too numerous to relate here, it would appear that
there is probable cause that Best Buy and Target are at their highest
corporate levels involved in the criminal distribution and/or conspiracy to
distribute sexual material harmful to minors in violation of Minnesota
Statute 617.291 et sequitur.

As you both know, your respective offices have certain injunctive remedies
available to you under that statute, in addition to straightforward criminal
prosecutions of the companies and their corporate officers.

I encourage you both to proceed on this urgent matter immediately. I and
others can provide sworn testimony to any grand jury before whom you might
choose to bring this disturbing matter.

Finally, I have urged both Best Buy’s and Target’s CEO’s, Mr. Anderson and
Mr. Ulrich, to stop this activity, and they refuse. Please enjoin them or
indict them or do both.

Regards, Jack Thompson

what a moron! apparently he's not much of a computer user ...which proves he's never played GTA:SA

btw the mod maker behind Hot Coffee released a statement yesterday:

After reading various discussion about this mod around the internet, I would like to make the following statement:

All the contents of this mod was already available on the original disks. Therefor the scriptcode, the models, the animations and the dialogs by the original voice-actors were all created by RockStar. The only thing I had to do to enable the mini-games was toggling a single bit in the main.scm file. (Of course it was not easy to find the correct bit). The Nude models that are used as a bonus in the Quick action version of the mod, were also already present on the original disk.
But all this material is completely inaccesible in an unmodded version of the game. It can therefor not be considered a cheat, easter-egg or hidden feature. But is most probably just leftover material from a gameplay idea that didn't make the final release. I would really like to stress that this material is only accessible after willfully applying the hot coffee mod (or something similar) to the game.
Is this posted elsewhere? I mean... is it legitimate, or is it just somebody claiming to have recieved a letter that might not be legitimate?

I'm just curious.
if only stuff like this made the news, then everyone would know what a f*cking joke he is... a f*cking waste of oxygen
Holy shit, I live in Hennipen county, send money to my pay pal account for a gun and I can sort this mess out.
You have to make it look like an accident or they'll see it as yet another reason to ban video games...
OCybrManO said:
You have to make it look like an accident or they'll see it as yet another reason to ban video games...
Ya...I know, I can find a hooker that has AIDs and send her over to his place, that will work.

And for some reason I feel like I need to cover my ass, from a lawsuite. So, this post is a joke...
wow he's like the sneddon of the gaming world
what's happened to him that he's so personally involved in his vendetta
probably some 12 year old pwned him with the awp in counterstrike and he's been bitter since j/k
he's been at it for 12 years ..he also went after Howard Stern and clear channel
Haha these game threads are the only times conservatives and liberals on these forums agree. And they are most important for this exact audience. Now didnt Rockstar said it was a violation of EULA for someone to do the hot coffee mod. I could of sworn i read that somewhere.
Foxtrot said:
Holy shit, I live in Hennipen county, send money to my pay pal account for a gun and I can sort this mess out.

Now I know the reason why America allows guns :D

Go get him :farmer:
Just gimme their exact address stern. I live in Minneapolis and can go Jihad on their asses!
Isnt this made irrelevant and Jack is proved right now that it has been proved that you CAN access it on an un modded version of the game?
Foxtrot said:
Holy shit, I live in Hennipen county, send money to my pay pal account for a gun and I can sort this mess out.

You have to screw with him!
What a terrible grasp on the English language; he seems unwilling to construct a sentence longer than 6 words.

I'm strongly in favour of Simple English for use in government publications but this email gives the impression of a 9 year old with a large vocabulary.

Kudos goes to him, however, for managing to find a use for the word 'enjoin' that doesn't make him sound like a complete twit of Bush-like proportions.
in the criminal distribution and/or conspiracy

:laugh: That phrase made me rofl.

My God, he really thinks all the game developers and distributors are in cahoots to corrupt the innocent, doesn't he? :eek:

Isnt this made irrelevant and Jack is proved right now that it has been proved that you CAN access it on an unmodded version of the game?

What? No. "But all this material is completely inaccesible in an unmodded version of the game."
basically if this guy dont like violent games, he needs to just stfu and keep out of the games shop, dont watch tv, unless ur watching History channel. Dont go out of his house.
I ****ing hate him,nobody messes with Best Buy thats one of the main reasons Im moving to cali.
Honest to God. The retail version itself complies with the regulations, right? So then surely it is up to the parents to make sure that, if it is their will, the minors should not download the offending content - surely?
I wish, when it comes to matters like this, parents would take some responsibility for their kids' actions and their own parenting skills.
Instead of making a song-and-dance about all this, why not simply re-classify the game? Then issue a "warning" on the news or some other outlet, that if your kid has that game and is under the legal age for the purchase of pornography then there is the possibility they may be able to view the "adult" content.
It's then the parents' decision.
I write to inform you of a flagrant breach of the rules far more
consequential. It involves the knowing theft of the innocence of hundreds
of thousands of children
in the Twin Cities and around the country by two
Hennepin County, Minnesota corporations-Target and Best Buy.

Ahahaha that's awesome.
Seventeen-year olds looking at pornography on the internet??? NOOOOO!!!

I'm going to go commit the knowing theft of the fullness of my refrigerator. A.K.A. Lunch.
Exactly. "Theft of the innocence"!? Gimme a break. If they were so "innocent", surely they wouldn't find, download, install and use it in the first place? When were adolescents EVER innocent? With the amount of hormones cascading around your body, innocence/abstinence is the LAST thing on your mind.
If anything, this fuss will have made the mod even MORE notorious. Even more people will download it, "just to see what all the fuss is about", of course :naughty:
that game is meant to put a white, suberban kid in the shoes of a black ghetto man

i find that so funny
Me and fox will go "fix" this issue since we live in Minneapolis MN.
Glirk Dient said:
Me and fox will go "fix" this issue since we live in Minneapolis MN.
just hack into his comp. upload couple "kiddie" pictures and call the cops
