Jack Thompson court transcript

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May 5, 2004
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Thompson is an annoying nutjob:

JUDGE = Judge Dava Tunis

JT = Jack Thompson

TUMA = Florida Bar prosecutor Sheila Tuma

JUDGE: Good afternoon, everybody... I trust everyone has some water at their table?... so, for the record, we are here on the matter of the Florida Bar versus John Bruce Thompson... If all the lawyers would like to announce their presence for the record.

TUMA: Sheila Tuma, counsel for the Florida Bar

JT: Jack Thompson, presently a lawyer.

JUDGE: ...Miss Tuma, my understanding would be that, pursuant to the rules, you would be going first?

JT: Your Honor, may I please--

TUMA: Yes.

JT: -- so that I can state at the appropriate time, which would be now, my objections to this proceeding on the record?

JUDGE: And you have done so through writing --

JT: No. I have to do it here, Judge.

JUDGE: Go right ahead.

JT: May I move the podium?

JUDGE: No. Just everybody leave it in one spot. That's the way we usually do it in the courtroom.

JT: Can we change that one spot? No?

JUDGE: I'd prefer that you leave it right there.

JT: Nice. Can I pivot it?

JUDGE: Is that what you'd like, sir?

JT: I'm asking you.

JUDGE: Okay. That's fine.

JT: I was allowed to move it before. I object strenuously, as I have in the past, to the very notion that this proceeding can even occur on various grounds, any single one of which is fatal --

JUDGE: I'm going to interrupt you. Excuse me one moment. Mr. Thompson, this Court has been in receipt of many, many motions which this Court has already ruled on. So this would not be a time for you to simply make a statement.

JT: No, I'm not.

JUDGE: If you wish to state an objection, I will be more than happy to take from you any written motion and then rely upon it. But what I do not want is for you to be making a speech at the beginning of what is essentially a disciplinary hearing where I'm supposed to hear aggravating and mitigating factors. I have addressed numerous motions of your objection. If you have something in writing, I will gladly accept it from you now.

JT: First of all, Judge, so the record is clear -- and I heard what you just said and I'm going to abide by it even though it's in error -- you don't know what I'm going to say, number one. Number two, I have a right to make here today my objection to this proceeding on the record with the additional things I want to say.

JUDGE: And I will be giving you the opportunity --

JT: Excuse me Judge. Just to state my objection to your preventing me from doing what I have a right to do here today, note my objection to your ruling in that regard. Note my objection to the fact that you don't want to hear my objection, which I have a right to put on the record orally and heaving heard yet another erroneous ruling from you which simply digs your hole deeper -- with all respect for at least this Court -- let me then give you what I have in writing. May I approach?

JUDGE: Absolutely. Miss Tuma, do you have a copy?

TUMA: No, I don't.

JT: Let me give it to you. One for the court reporter (handing), one for Miss Tuma (handing), one for the Daily Business Review (handing). Ms. Roberts, try to get the story right this time [GP: Thompson made this remark to DBR reporter Alana Roberts]. Mr. Min, you're not supposed to be here, but here's your copy (handing)--

[GP: Barnaby Min is an attorney with the Florida Bar; Thompson has been highly critical of Min in the past.]

JUDGE: Let me just stop you right there. This is going to be a professionally conducted hearing. Whoever is in this courtroom has a right to be here because it's a public courtroom. I saw you basically throw onto Mr. Min's lap a motion --

JT: You saw me drop it on his lap because he wouldn't take it.

JUDGE: Mr. Thompson, he has no requirement to take anything from you. He's here as a person watching the proceedings... So I'd like us all to take a step back and to conduct ourselves professionally. Having said that, I have now received--

JT: Your Honor--

JUDGE: I have now received a motion entitled "Thompson's Formal Objection to June 4th Sanctions Hearing" and--

JT: It's not--

JUDGE: I will read it and when I receive a reply by the Bar, I will rule accordingly; but it's not going to stop this hearing from going forward.

JT: Nobody wanted to stop the hearing from going forward. Secondly, it's not a motion, It's an objection.

JUDGE: Okay.

JT: Thirdly, I'm entitled to give this to Mr. Min, if I feel like it. He wouldn't take it, so I gently dropped it on his lap. You can mischaracterize what I did if you want to, as you have before. Having stated my objection, Judge, which I wanted to do on the record orally, which I have a right to do, I want to wish you a very good day because I'm done here. Because I want you to understand that I cannot, Judge -- Referee, whatever -- object to the legitimacy of these proceedings and at the same time participate in them. I understand that. Others understand that. I don't know whether you understand it or not, but I'm done. I'll see you.

JUDGE: Are you choosing to walk out of the courtroom?

JT: Absolutely, Judge, because that's what I should do. If you will read the objections, you'll see why. You may not understand it, you may never understand it, but that's what I have to do because of the fact that you don't even have the authority to sit there. Thank you, Judge.

JUDGE: Have a pleasant day... Alright. Let the record reflect that Mr. Thompson has chosen to voluntarily absent himself from these proceedings and, according to the case law, they are going forward. Miss Tuma, go right ahead...

he sounds like a whiney kid who's just lost his video game privileges. It's funny how he tries to use the disbarrment hearing as a soapbox to push his idiotic ideas but is prevented by the Judge who's on to his grandstanding ..I think he walked out less as a political statement and more because he saw it wasnt going in his favour ..but really his reputation has suffered it's last blow ..I doubt CNN or any other media outlet will be knocking on his door ..I mean what would they put under his photo? "disgraced former lawyer"? ..actually I like how that sounds
"presently a lawyer"
He means currently a lawyer. Presently actually means in a moment, eg, "I will be with you presently."
Really, Sol, no sort of genitals like Stern :p

OT: This is hilarious. Wacko Jacko is screwed.
Jesus christ, if I was that judge I'd just be waiting for the opportunity to nail him to the wall.

That is, if he hadn't already presented it willingly, many times over. What a ****ing jackass.
Jack Thomspon does not like the Florida Bar Association.
Jack Thomspon does not like the Florida Bar Association.

I'm sure the feelings are mutual.

But come on, the guy is trying to save his license and yet he is determined to make an ass of himself. Oh Jack...
:LOL: he pretty much sealed his fate when he walked out. I can just imagine how annoyed the judge is getting.
Reminds me of you.


Lol this. Also, he is in a direct contempt of court. The judge did the best thing he could have done. If he would have charged Jack T. with contempt, this would have appeared to make JT a matyr. In any other hearing they would have prolly thrown the bastard in on his ass in a remand cell pending further judicial instructions.

Also, i call for a state law against this asshole, i don't think case law is gonna be enough to make him shuddup :p
It didn't make quite as much sense as I'm sure it would have done had I seen it.

I also agree with the impression that he sounds like an ass.
"presently a lawyer"
He means currently a lawyer. Presently actually means in a moment, eg, "I will be with you presently."
'Presently' can also be used as a synonym for 'currently', ie. to mean 'at present, you are a lawyer', although I've heard that this is an Americanisation. It is similar to how you can say 'I'll be with you momentarily' (also an Americanisation, iirc) but also 'I was momentarily shocked.'
Are you sure that transcript is for real? it doesn't exactly sound professional
Why must you be such an asshole everytime Stern posts? Seriously, it just makes you look like an idiot.
Stay out of it you monkey.

This is between me and a guy who can't see or hear me.

But seriously though, you don't know where I'm coming from. If I acted like an asshole nearly as much as Stern does, I'd let you complain.
Oh Stern is a complete dick. People just let him get away with it because he's usually right.
In Soviet Russia Stern's acting dick may have seen you!
I might've sternly seen your dick act against the Florida Bar.
Stern destroys the Florida Bar with his dick.

Stern destroys all of the US bar Florida with his awesome dick.

Florida's stern dick destroys the bar.
acting dick


You called?
Only a Sterning from dick can lock this thread.
Enough of this.

Also, maybe Veg and others can stop mentioning how stern is a dick every time he posts. This borders on harassment.
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