Jack Thompson doesn't like Rapture.

FYI .. its called Adam. I thought it was atom or something when I first heard it aswell.
Adam? That's a persons name lol. Oh well so it's adam and not atom.
Read it again if you don't understand. He released a statement recently saying:
Please note that big trouble is on the way for Take-Two re BioShocks [sic]
Jack Thompson doesn't like anything - he's probably senile.. Don't pay any attention to him and he'll go away.
He wont go away because people (non-gamers) ARE listing to him.
This guy is a tool and full blown moron.
Jack Thompson, and everyone who listens to him, fails at life. Everyone who has tried to talk to him has been met with a barrage of immature insults and mudslinging.
Jack Thompson doesn't like his own ****ing mother ffs. Who gives a goddamn shit what this man does or doesn't think. Hope he falls down a well and dies.
Jack Thompson is awesome! He is really opening people's eyes!