Jack Thompson: "Grand Theft Auto IV is the gravest assault upon children since polio"


May 5, 2004
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it was just a matter of time:

Grand Theft Auto IV is one day away from release, and already Jack Thompson has begun to step up his war on the title. The embattled Florida attorney has written a letter to the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, R. Alexander Acosta, demanding that legal action be taken against Take Two and retailers for selling the game. This time, Thompson appears to have an unlikely ally thanks to video gaming news site IGN.

He then compares the game to, of all things, polio. "Grand Theft Auto IV is the gravest assault upon children in this country since polio. We now have vaccines for that virus... The 'vaccine' that must be administered by the United States government to deal with this virtual virus of violence and sexual depravity is criminal prosecutions of those who have conspired to do this. If you doubt me, look at the aforementioned streaming audio/video. It will make you sick."

This is where the story takes a turn, because Jack Thompson provides a link to a video, put together by the gaming news site IGN, called "Ladies of Liberty City." Be careful clicking on that link; there is absolutely nothing there that is safe for work

NWS, video:


The video strips the game of all context and merely shows scenes of sexual content and violence, one after the other. In fact, it can be hard to watch for that reason, and it's a rather numbing experience. The game's lead character, Niko, drives up to prostitutes, honks the horn, then shoots them. You see a simulated sex act, only to have Niko run the hooker over afterwards with his car. The video shows graphic lap dances featuring one, and then two, girls. The language is even worse, including?and excuse the stars, "F*** the s*** out of it, you nasty f******."

The video is over the top, and since the acts are shown one after the other, the game can be portrayed as a nonstop sexual experience. When critics slammed Fox News over the coverage of the sexual content in Mass Effect, it was clear that no one involved had actually played the game or even watched a video of the content. With "Ladies of Liberty City," IGN has provided Jack Thompson and the mainstream media the perfect weapon to attack the game: a sm?rg?sbord of sex and violence that can be shown to anyone who doubts the game needs to be stopped.


damn, hot coffee has nothing on that video
I really, really don't understand why this is in even in the game. I mean, computer games allow you to do things that you could never or would never do in real life. Like shooting people, or running people over. But having sex? What's the God-damn point? Why not spend the time you use pseudo-screwing polygonal prostitutes going out and getting a real girl/boyfriend.

I just... just... someone help me understand this :(
I really, really don't understand why this is in even in the game. I mean, computer games allow you to do things that you could never or would never do in real life. Like shooting people, or running people over. But having sex? What's the God-damn point? Why not spend the time you use pseudo-screwing polygonal prostitutes going out and getting a real girl/boyfriend.

I just... just... someone help me understand this :(

Because we can.

And that video... was awesome.
why is it that sex is the only thing from real life that games cant portray? I mean does anyone complain when there's a love scene in a movie? often it has nothing to do with the movie ..so why are the rules different for video games?

really if we want to leave the "juvenile pastime" moniker of video games behind we need to make them more relevant to an adult audience ..I'm not saying picking up hookers for a $10 blowjob is the answer but it's part of the adult in "adult themes"

but seriously who is bothered by this?
People who have nothing better to do than tell others they need to go out and get a real girlfriend.

PjB, that wasn't directed at you. Just people in general who do that.
I really, really don't understand why this is in even in the game. I mean, computer games allow you to do things that you could never or would never do in real life. Like shooting people, or running people over. But having sex? What's the God-damn point? Why not spend the time you use pseudo-screwing polygonal prostitutes going out and getting a real girl/boyfriend.

I just... just... someone help me understand this :(

I'm only buying GTA for the chance to pseudo-screw hookers. You got me nailed. I hope helped you understand :(
People who have nothing better to do than tell others they need to go out and get a real girlfriend.

PjB, that wasn't directed at you. Just people in general who do that.

yes but his attitude mirrors that of society in general ..the whole "why dont you get a girlfriend" nonsense is just that; nonsense ..nudity/sex in video games does absolutely nothing for me ..they're not at all sexually stimulating in any sense of the word ..so the implication that I'm without a girlfriend (which is true, but only because the wife wont let me have one)is why I turn to games like GTA4 ..really it's a stupid attitude (not meaning you PJB) that the general public has used to belittle gaming for years now

anyways the hookers/sex suits the game ..I mean he's a criminal/mob did you expect him to go to church or join the boyscouts?
He has evidence but his statement is silly. When will he understand that GTA is intended for adults and adults only?
yes but his attitude mirrors that of society in general ..the whole "why dont you get a girlfriend" nonsense is just that; nonsense ..nudity/sex in video games does absolutely nothing for me ..they're not at all sexually stimulating in any sense of the word ..so the implication that I'm without a girlfriend (which is true, but only because the wife wont let me have one)is why I turn to games like GTA4 ..really it's a stupid attitude (not meaning you PJB) that the general public has used to belittle gaming for years now

Ummm that's what I said. But in fewer words.

Well not exactly that, but pretty much.
I dont even see what's so shocking about the vid. Same old GTA, few more polygons. Big deal. This is shitty reporting from arstechnica tbh - 'the video seems designed to show just how depraved the game can be.' Um, no, it just shows stuff you can do in the game, with a focus on the lewder parts. Why act as if GTA's guilty secret has been exposed when it's meant for adults anyhow...? They're talking as if IGN should be criticised for making this montage when all it shows is stuff we've been able to to do in GTA games for years, just with the realism factor upped slightly. I'm no big fan of IGN, but honestly who gives a shit?

And as for Thompson's drivel, as always that's barely even worth reading unless you want to lose a few IQ points.
I dont even see what's so shocking about the vid. Same old GTA, few more polygons. Big deal. This is shitty reporting from arstechnica tbh - 'the video seems designed to show just how depraved the game can be.' Um, no, it just shows stuff you can do in the game, with a focus on the lewder parts. Why act as if GTA's guilty secret has been exposed when it's meant for adults anyhow...? They're talking as if IGN should be criticised for making this montage when all it shows is stuff we've been able to to do in GTA games for years, just with the realism factor upped slightly. I'm no big fan of IGN, but honestly who gives a shit?

And as for Thompson's drivel, as always that's barely even worth reading unless you want to lose a few IQ points.

Completely agree with that. I think I lost of couple just now...
Jack Thompson said:
Grand Theft Auto IV is the gravest assault upon children in this country since polio.
I have to say, I lol'd pretty hard.
I really, really don't understand why this is in even in the game. I mean, computer games allow you to do things that you could never or would never do in real life. Like shooting people, or running people over. But having sex? What's the God-damn point? Why not spend the time you use pseudo-screwing polygonal prostitutes going out and getting a real girl/boyfriend.

I just... just... someone help me understand this :(

It gets them more press. Whatever press doesnt shut them down, will only help them :D
why is it that sex is the only thing from real life that games cant portray? I mean does anyone complain when there's a love scene in a movie? often it has nothing to do with the movie ..so why are the rules different for video games?

really if we want to leave the "juvenile pastime" moniker of video games behind we need to make them more relevant to an adult audience ..I'm not saying picking up hookers for a $10 blowjob is the answer but it's part of the adult in "adult themes"

but seriously who is bothered by this?

They're 20 dollars.
I bet he hasn't even played it.

On the contrary, it looks like all he's been doing is playing it:


why is it that sex is the only thing from real life that games cant portray? I mean does anyone complain when there's a love scene in a movie? often it has nothing to do with the movie ..so why are the rules different for video games?

I suppose you're right there. I've just never really got my head around the concept of having sex in games, because the idea of it seems like a waste of time and game-monies because you gain absolutely nothing from it. Arguably you don't get much for randomly slaughtering hundreds of innocent lives, either. And I think the same way of movies too: you remember that "sex scene" in 300? It just felt out of place and ridiculous. Perhaps I'm just getting old/British/a prude/all three. :farmer:

Also, I rescind my comment about "getting a real girlfriend", because I've realised it's completely stupid.

Sedako: What a bizarre picture. GTA being held by a smiling Jack Thompson? I'd have the same reaction if Samuel L Jackson was being hugged by the head of the KKK.
Also, the man looks a mess. Hasn't shaved, hair's a mess, glazed eyes, and it looks like he's wearing some kind of loungey, couch-potato clothes, if not even his pyjamas maybe. He's been playing it non-stop since release! Probably hasn't even eaten and reeks of BO.
somebody mod that douche into the game so we can shoot him
I suppose you're right there. I've just never really got my head around the concept of having sex in games, because the idea of it seems like a waste of time and game-monies because you gain absolutely nothing from it. Arguably you don't get much for randomly slaughtering hundreds of innocent lives, either. And I think the same way of movies too: you remember that "sex scene" in 300? It just felt out of place and ridiculous. Perhaps I'm just getting old/British/a prude/all three. :farmer:

I dont think I've ever had sex in game ..iI cant think of a single game that showed anything beyond a cutscene or a loading screen suggesting you've just had sex ..it's completely a non issue in 99.9% of games ..that said it would need to have it's place and even though I havent plaed gta4 yet I think it suits it's atmosphere

Also, I rescind my comment about "getting a real girlfriend", because I've realised it's completely stupid.

fair enough, I appreciate it ..it's just that we hear that sort of thing from non-gamers it's a little disconcerning to hear it from gamers