Jack Thompson: "Hmmm, maybe College students will like me"


May 5, 2004
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Jack Thompson to go on College Tour to "debate all opponents regarding the dangers of (violent video) games and what to do about them.”

the real Jack Thompson: Basket weaver


ok not that Jack Thompson, this Jack Thompson:


seriously what the hell is he thinking? if gamers arent all that receptive to his idiotic message what makes him think college students will listen (especially since many gamers are also ..well students)

sweeeeeet, now's your chance to mentally crush him in a debate (Stern does not endorse violence, however should you so be inclided there's nothing I can do :E )

I mean he's practically begging for people to debate him

Jack Thompson said:
“College student video gamers who want to see this debate should encourage their respective schools to book it, and then to attend it in their “I Hate Jack Thompson” t-shirts…”


he'll be eaten alive ......perhaps he should just stick to bible colleges ..they lap his kind of message like it's freakin nectar from the gods
I hope he gets booed out.

He lost the case against Bully recently.


On Wednesday, the judge ordered the game's publisher Take-Two to give him a copy of the game, along with someone to play the game for him to watch before he made a decision.

"There's a lot of violence," Judge Friedman said. "A whole lot. Less than we see on television every night."

''You did not see the game,'' Mr Thompson told the judge at Friday's hearing. "You don't even know what it was you saw."

I think he's just an attention seeker tbh.


personally I think he's mentally unbalanced ..and I dont care what the state of Florida says ..certificate or not he's a hammer shy of of a full bag of hammers, he's a few turns shy of a tight screw, he's a card or two from being a full deck ..he's gaga-bat-shit-insane crazy

Wikipedia said:
In 1990, after his election loss, Thompson began a campaign against the efforts of Switchboard of Miami, a social services group of which Reno was a board member. Thompson charged that the group was placing “homosexual-education tapes” in public schools. Switchboard responded by getting the Florida Supreme Court to order that he submit to a psychiatric examination. Thompson did so and passed, and since then has stated on more than one occasion that he is “the only officially certified sane lawyer in the entire state of Florida.”[10]
He's spent a lot of time arguing on web forums it appears.

Even more than yourself, Stern :E

"Finally, kids, really, get a life. Put down the controllers, pop a beverage, watch the Super Bowl, and enjoy what is left of the land of the increasingly un-free and the totally depraved. Hooah! Jack Thompson"

He sure says "Hooah" a lot.
ya he sounds like one of those loud mouthed jerks you just want to punch in the adam's apple
Eggs would be good. Although toilet paper is probably better than paper planes.
He's spent a lot of time arguing on web forums it appears.

Even more than yourself, Stern :E

"Finally, kids, really, get a life. Put down the controllers, pop a beverage, watch the Super Bowl, and enjoy what is left of the land of the increasingly un-free and the totally depraved. Hooah! Jack Thompson"

He sure says "Hooah" a lot.
Did he really say that? So, instead of a mentaly and slightly physicaly stimulating activity he advisses people to drink and watch TV. That makes ****ing sense.
Lol, he's going to die, he's going to die...
Why cant someone assasinate him? Oh yeah because then they will blame it on video games...

but then why cant someone assasinate him...the quiet way? Lets say, food poisoning? *talking business with the Mafia*

Dont worry guys, his ass is gone in the near future
He won't be killed, he'll just continue to fade away until finally he's nothing but another white-collar snob living his American Dream. Face it, he's getting less attention by the day, it's only so long until he just vanishes.
In person he completely fails to live up to the loud mouthed moron he is in emails and so on. He appeared on some news channel and the other two guys layed the smackdown on him.
People always are laying the smackdown on him. Its just that he pretends it never happened.
In person he completely fails to live up to the loud mouthed moron he is in emails and so on. He appeared on some news channel and the other two guys layed the smackdown on him.

I'm in the process of uploading that video to you-tube.

You likely saw that video from me, when I posted it back in October, 2004.

Here's the thread actually; http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=46963&highlight=GTA:SA

Link doesn't work :p Still waiting on you-tube confirmation or whatever. That thread is interesting to read two years later, though. Back when we didn't really know who Jack Thompson was, and now it's a house hold name of us gamer types.

Here we are!

I know it's never a good thing, but if there was EVER a time for another school shooting...
Nah, not even him. Not even Jack deserves to die for merely being an ignorant twat.

But to be ridiculed and eventually ignored, yes.
Nah, not even him. Not even Jack deserves to die for merely being an ignorant twat.

But to be ridiculed and eventually ignored, yes.
Although, someone like Jack Thompson might think of being ignored as a fate worse than death.
Can you imagine what would happen if he did an Uwe Boll and said people could fight him?

He'd literally be beaten to death, even if it was the weediest nerd in the world.
Now, in a free society, we are entitled to our own opinions, free from the threat of violence.

Except him.
And commies.
I hope he gets a rare gum disease, so he can never talk again. Ever. For all eternity.
Can you imagine what would happen if he did an Uwe Boll and said people could fight him?

He'd literally be beaten to death, even if it was the weediest nerd in the world.

lol. I'd pay to see that

99.vikram said:
I hope he gets a rare gum disease, so he can never talk again. Ever. For all eternity.

that's the oddest curse ever :LOL: ...you're a dentist arent you? ;)
I like your ruthless way of thinking 99.vikram...would you marry me?