Jack Thompson Junior, the most hated kid in america


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
..not really but he could be:

We have just received an email from Attorney Jack Thompson stating that his 15-year-old son purchased the Mature-rated game BioShock from a local Best Buy. Thompson informs us that BioShock is created by "the notorious Take-Two interactive," you may remember them from publishing such ultra-violent games as Grand Theft Auto. Thompson says that in using his son in a sting operation, he's proven "that Take-Two's upcoming releases of hyperviolent and sex-themed Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV will be widely sold to kids of all ages, despite promises by Take-Two, the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), and major retailers." No word if Thompson will allow his son to play the copy of BioShock he purchased.

Thompson goes on to say that retailers and the gaming industry are "engaged in a fraudulent and deceptive trade practice across the nation" by claiming to check IDs. This is exacerbated by his son purchasing the M-rated game from the same Best Buy store Thompson sent his son to buy Grand Theft Auto: Vice City at when he was 10-years-old. Thompson is demanding that Best Buy fire the store's manager and the girl with the "piercing through her right eyebrow" who sold his son the game. Thompson finishes by saying, "The entire video game age rating system is a fraud perpetrated upon American families from sea to shining sea." We should keep that in mind the next time we recruit our own child into a crusade and approve of him or her purchasing an M-rated game.

god what a jerk, his son isnt going to be too popular with his peers, I feel sorry for him that his father cares more about his own career over how this may affect his sons reputation ..the man is a scumbag

GG Jack, responsibility lies with the parents, a responsibility you yourself do not seem to possess having used your minor of a son to illegally purchase a game which you know has graphic content.

Epic, EPIC fail.
Jack Thompson, you are more a danger to your kids than the gaming industry is.

I mean, look. You're campaigning to stop video games from harming your kids, and to do that, you get your kid to buy a video game. This is like protecting your kids from broken bottles that might pop up in bar fights in their future by making them tap-dance on shards of glass. This is moronic. Stupid. Idiotic. I have even more comparisons to note, but you are quickly becoming even more than a discredited moron attempting to shout down the Florida Bar - you are becoming a person who is stooping to using his own children in what is, for all intents and purposes, a publicity stunt.

You're an idiot, Thompson.
lol. So basically he's blaming the rating system for his lack of control over what his son does?
lol. So basically he's blaming the rating system for his lack of control over what his son does?
Not exactly. He's purposely sent his son to obtain a copy.

It does however come to the same conclusion for me, in that Thompson has been criminally negligent in using his son to boost (excuse me - further ruin) his career.
Anyone else find it amusing that Thompson "bought" a game, thereby financially supporting the video game industry?

Lets do the same experiment, except this time send your son into Harlem to buy crack, a then tell the police they failed to keep the streets clean.
Take-Two to Jack Thompson: Thanks for the business.

Ya when i went to the store to buy bioshock they actually asked me to show my id and im 18. That is the first time ever at best buy or any store i bought a game from that i ever had that happen.
Jack must seriously be deranged. I'm not joking. To have been focusing on games for this long, and getting no results, must have some kind of mental problem associated with it. It's, like, all he thinks about.
I'm pretty sure he spends half his days trolling on forums.
Thompson has had tremendous success ..from making rockstar lose millions of dollars over Hot coffee to advising presidential candiadates on framing their pov so as to appeal to as many voters as possible ..the mistake the gaming community makes is that even though Jack is a fool, a charlatan, an idiot and a jackass he still manages to get things done ..we've been ignoring him to long, it's time someone finished his crusade once and for all by making it their mission to stop thompson at every opportunity
Doesn't this go against the court order set against him? If so, couldn't Rockstar just kick his sorry ass?
f*ck that shite bag.

It's all about the responsibility of the parent, not the rating on a damn game. If you don't know your 10 yr old son is playing grand theft auto, thats the parents fault.

Not to mention that it doesn't nessisarily depend on the age, but how mature each individual kid is. And every parent should know how mature, or immature their kid is.

Parents are f*cking neglectful these days, blaim all their mistakes on something else
Seems the act of buying an M-rated video game, and know that the age of your son is under the legal age would be a crime in itself.
While Jack is a nut-job, I do think that Stores need to ID for Mature rated video games just like ID for Cigarettes or Alcohol and R rated flicks in the movie theatre. Otherwise the rating systems are pointless.

Now I am not saying this is a reason for parents to not pay attention to what their children play. If I had a child and did not want him playing M-rated games, or watching R rated movies, I would watch what he was playing/watching but there is no way to ALWAYS be watching what they play/watch.

Either way, Jack Thompson needs to die.
While Jack is a nut-job, I do think that Stores need to ID for Mature rated video games just like ID for Cigarettes or Alcohol and R rated flicks in the movie theatre.

but not r-rated movies at places like best buy or wal-mart ...a 10 yr old can stroll in and buy Silence of the Lambs but god forbid they buy a video game under the age of 18 ..I agree that ratings should be adhered too but lets do it across the board and include ALL media not just video games
If his son had any balls he would have refused to do it. Although I guess if you lived with that guy you'd probably be scared to death.
As per court order, he had a psychological evaluation done. The doctor concluded that, though passionate, especially through his faith, he possessed no mental problems and was of a very sound state of mind.

:O Maybe he bribed the doctor. :O
Someone spam JT with loads of Goatse.

Maybe he'll get distracted and pursue that instead. You know what these evangelist-republicans are like with their secret fetishes.
What kind of parent uses their child for their own political gain? Thats ****ed up.

First time I've seen a picture of him...
Can't someone start a protest group up against Thompson?

Gamers could hold mass protest rallies in his town every week.
And fuel his campaign? No thanks. Just let him die out.