Jack Thompson may face criminal charges for harrassment


May 5, 2004
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Opening an e-mail with the computer-generated image of two women in string bikinis preparing to give a lap dance to a video-game character was the breaking point for Senate President Michael Waddoups.

The image from the video game Grand Theft Auto IV was at the top of an e-mail sent by conservative crusader Jack Thompson on Easter Sunday. It was part of his dogged campaign pressing Utah politicians to override the veto of a bill that would have increased penalties for retailers falsely advertising they would not sell mature video games to underage buyers.

"I asked you before to remove me from your mailing list," Waddoups wrote Thompson. "I supported your bill but because of the harassment will not again. If I am not removed, I will turn you over to the AG for legal action."

even conservatives who support anti-game legislation find him annoying. I see bad things for Thompson ..caught in a motel with an underage male prostitute bad or going on a shooting spree at a gamestop bad, I havent decided which yet


lol, he posted to the comments section of this very article. what a ****ing loon :laugh:

Jack Thompson said:
The pornography [GTAIV] being distributed to minors in Utah about which I have written Mr. Waddoups, on the other hand, enjoys no protection under the First Amendment.

Therefore, what Mr. Waddoups has done is illegally use his state power to threaten me in retaliation for the exercise of my First Amendment petition rights.

And we ALL know Jack Thompson is a hugely confrontation jackass. No doubt he'll continue to harass.
If they jail him, I will litterally have a party to celebrate
And we ALL know Jack Thompson is a hugely confrontation jackass. No doubt he'll continue to harass.

ya but now he's harrassing his peers, the very people who supported his Utah anti video game bill
ya but now he's harrassing his peers, the very people who supported his Utah anti video game bill

I know. What I'm saying though, is that given his nature he's still going to attack the hell out of them... if they defy him like that, he's going to bitch and bitch and become more erratic in his harassment behavior.
I don't understand why people insist on talking about him at all.
That's pretty goddamn hilarious.
they need to leave this guy alone. half of his jackassery is because the gaming media focuses so much on him.
they need to leave this guy alone. half of his jackassery is because the gaming media focuses so much on him.

If he pokes us, we poke him back. He started it. We'll always get the last jab. Always.
I recall the penny arcade incident & what followed. I think the guys made a great point, Jack Thompson is such a halfwit and so bad at doing what he does...we need to keep him, his failure is assured.

Unfortunately, now he's turned on his peers he's going to be left alone very soon and won't get a grain of media coverage. The real beginning of the end I think!
His secret apprentice spawn will take his place, man, failure will always be assured.
they need to leave this guy alone. half of his jackassery is because the gaming media focuses so much on him.

he just tried to push a bill through the utah state legislator. the gaming industry isnt propping up his career, he's doing that himself. Also as evidenced by this and many other incidents he's a compulsive emailer and leaver of comments on stories about him. he's borderline certifiable with a god complex/severe attention whore syndrom. we didnt create him

In 1988 Thompson became involved in a feud with WIOD Radio host Neil Rogers

Thompson also sued the station for violating a December 1987 agreement to end on-air harassment against him. Thompson had complained to the station after Rogers solicited gay people to join Thompson on his vacation; Rogers aired Thompsonâ??s address and phone numbe


Thompson gave Janet Reno a letter at a campaign event requesting that she check a box to indicate whether she was homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Thompson said that Reno then put her hand on his shoulder and responded, "I'm only interested in virile men. Thatâ??s why I'm not attracted to you."[14][15] He filed a police report accusing her of battery for touching him.

Thompson repeated allegations that Reno was a lesbian when she was nominated as U.S. Attorney General, leading one of her supporters, lieutenant governor Buddy MacKay, to dismiss him as a "kook.

Thompson came to national prominence in the controversy over 2 Live Crew's As Nasty As They Wanna Be album

In sending documents to opponents, Thompson would frequently attach a photocopy of his driver's license, with a photo of Batman pasted over his own. Thompson said, "I have sent my opponents pictures of Batman to remind them I'm playing the role of Batman. Just like Bruce Wayne helped the police in the movie, I have had to assist the sheriff of Broward County." He also wore a Batman wristwatch

In 1992, Thompson was hired by the Freedom Alliance, a self-described patriot group founded by Oliver North, described as "far-right" by the Washington Post. By this time, Thompson was looking to have Time Warner, then being criticized for promoting the Ice-T song Cop Killer, prosecuted for federal and state crimes such as sedition, incitement to riot, and "advocating overthrow of government" by distributing material that, in Thompson's view, advocated the killing of police officers

In addition to taking on 2 Live Crew, Thompson campaigned against sales of the racy music video for Madonna's Justify My Love.[33] Then in 1996, he took on MTV broadcasts for "objectification of women" by writing to the station's corporate parent, Viacom, demanding a stop to what he called "corporate pollution."[34] He also went after MTV's advertisers and urged the U.S. Army to pull recruiting commercials, citing the Armyâ??s recruitment of women and problems with sexual harassment scandals

his crusade against video games seems a somewhat minor footnote in his storied career as professional lunatic
Yeah we didn't create him the guys down at the lab did. Why they decided to put the brain of an obsessive chimp into the body of a retarded uber-righteous christian old guy is beyond me...
His secret apprentice spawn will take his place, man, failure will always be assured.
Yeah, but then he'll be betrayed and rise up and begin a rebellion that will fight their way to Jack's secret space station which will end in his death. In the aftermath the rebellion become stronger. Alternatively he'll go after Thompson himself and lose. This will turn him into the very same cyborg that is Jack Thompson.
I don't like him, only because his facts don't support his claims