Jack Thompson visited by US Marshals


May 5, 2004
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A pair of U.S. Marshals were apparently dispatched to Jack Thompson's house today.

The controversial attorney complained about the visit from the law enforcement officials in a filing with the U.S. District Court in Miami. Among the U.S. Marshals' duties are providing security for federal courthouses.

Although the purpose of the marshals' visit is not entirely clear, judging from Thompson's tone, it seems that they carried a warning of sorts. In wake of the visit, Thompson charged that he is being harassed by the Justice Department.

What seems to have prompted Judge Moreno to dispatch the US Marshals was a letter written by Thompson to Moreno on Friday in which he alleged that al Qaeda suspects at Guantanamo Bay have more rights than he:

Jack Thompson said:
We find yesterday that enemy combatants at Guantanamo are to get more due process from federal judges than what I am to have. I guess my "mistake" was not killing 3000 people to make my point...

I demand a hearing.

Thompson's anger with the U.S. District Court apparently stems from a string of failed attempts to gain federal judicial relief in his ongoing struggle with the Florida bar. The Bar, as we've been reporting, has recommended that Thompson, 56, be disbarred for a minimum of ten years.

Thompson has filed yet another document with the federal court, this one containing a copy of a Freedom of Information Act request which Thompson sent to the Attorney General's office. He is seeking any Justice Department records relating to him since 1992.


countdown to eventual JT shooting spree/suicide ..I give him 6 months
I read the title as Jack Thompson Visited by US Martians

Too bad it wasn't...

Edit: But seriously, I don't even understand this, wasn't he just the guy that was all anti-videogame? Maybe I missed a huge chunk of news, I don't know much about him other than that he hates video games... this is the guy I am thinking of, right?
Wait wait wait... He filed a complaint he was being harrased by them , even though they are part of the court AND he is about to be banned from court soon? What an idiot.
I read the title as Jack Thompson Visited by US Martians

Too bad it wasn't...

Edit: But seriously, I don't even understand this, wasn't he just the guy that was all anti-videogame? Maybe I missed a huge chunk of news, I don't know much about him other than that he hates video games... this is the guy I am thinking of, right?

how can you not know who he is? he's the single loudest vioce in the anti-game movement plus a hell of a crazy personality

his story is far too complex for me to do a quick summary

the gist of this story:

US Marshals visited Jack because he took a threatening posture in complaining about the judge ..the Marchals visited him probably to make sure he wont be a danger to the judge in question
What did he threaten the judge for other than that he was crazy?
I dont have the court documents in front of me but it's not what you think "I'll kill you unless" ..it's more inuendo in papers he filed in court

What seems to have prompted Judge Moreno to dispatch the US Marshals was a letter written by Thompson to Moreno on Friday in which he alleged that al Qaeda suspects at Guantanamo Bay have more rights than he:

Jack Thompson said:
We find yesterday that enemy combatants at Guantanamo are to get more due process from federal judges than what I am to have. I guess my "mistake" was not killing 3000 people to make my point...

that's contempt of the office of a judge and could be construed as a threat
Jack Thompson sounds like a loony.

Sounds best I don't know him personally.
Someone just get rid of the bastard already, he's pissed off enough people as it is.
Sometimes I feel like all the hate directed at jacky boy is a little biased seeing as we all play video games, but following this trial, he's made it pretty clear he's a douche and an idiot.
Doesnt he have a child? That kid must be so embarrassed.
Lol, Jacky Jack Jack...he is going to get himself into serious trouble if he is not careful.