Jagged Alliance 2, It pwns your face


Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
I found it randomly at a local store a couple days ago and I can't get enough of it, Been using the 1.13 mod and I must say the things and features they've added are amazing.

any else playing it?

also: Jaggedly Alliance 2 rocks simply because it has the Diemaco (now owned by colt) C7A2
yup, I have JA2Gold, great game, I'm excited about the new Jagged Alliance 3, finally they've gotten a decent dev who uses a decent and proven turn-based engine :)
I've been saying this on the forums here for years! And does anybody listen? NO!

But yeah, its awesome! Try out Urban Chaos, Dedrianna lives and SOG '69, they're all great mods.

I havent played in a while, mainly because I've been being destracted by Brigade E5: New Jagged Union, which has a great combat system, but the voice acting, etc lets it down. If you want the SPS, I suggest waiting for 7.62

JA3 looks to be good, I just hope it isnt full of bugs and has decent voice acting. I'm suspicious of stuff published by Strategy First.

Anyway, whos your favorate Merc?
Good game.

Shame the sequels been so hammered back n forth.
couldn't really get into for some unknown reason
Well after playing Turn based games and 'real time turn based' ala UFO Aftershock, I'd have to say I'm in favour of the Real time Turn based system, with the instant pause you still retain complete control and yet you have better squad tactics, however I know how much of a stick in the mud 'die hards' can be, and I'll be happy to just see a new JA game out.
great series
along with hl,it was one of my first pc games that i bought back in 1999.
it's a shame that sir-tech bit the dust.
i am not very optimistic about the current publisher/developer.
JA2 was/is awesome game (You can buy it through Steam now btw for peanuts). I can't even imagine the number of game hours I clocked playing that baby. All I know for sure is it kept me going through the final year at University as a respite from 3D modelling.:E
The Steam version is severly bugged with an unfixed memory leak which means the game will crash within 30-60 minutes of playing, so you're better off getting a 'real' copy of it.

And for you about the current publisher/developer, I dunno if you're aware that they choose a new dev in 2006 December which uses the Silent Storm engine for the turn-based battles and goes back alot to the ol' Jagged Alliance ways?
One of the coolest things about this new 3 is that they're gonna have 6 factions, each one with a 'general' AI, so you can see them battle it out vs eachotherse etc :)
Too lazy to make a new thread but...
Jagged Alliance 2 Reloaded was announced a little while ago.
Looks damn slick.

Basically, it's JA2 but on a next-gen 3D engine.
Woah, someone here who's into JA2. I did a double take when I saw this thread title.

I'm very excited for JA2:Reloaded, I can't wait for some more media or info. I only just recently discovered JA2, and so it was kind of crazy when I heard about the Reloaded announcement.

Do you think it will include a working coop mode?
I honestly doubt it.

And yeah, I played a bit of JA2 a year or 2 ago but didn't have the right mind set to get really into it, but I did enjoy what I played.
yeah give me online play, so I can beat your noob asses on the net. 3D remake thing doesn't look very good tbh.
Because I'm not talking about just the graphics.
Neat. So glad I didn't already buy this thing the 50 times I've seen it on sale. "Meh, I'll get to it."

NOW I CAN (won't)!
I wish JA3 on the S2 engine would come out already, if it hasn't been cancelled(AGAIN!)