Jaggy hl2 - help!


Dark Strider

OK so I just installed my 6600GT but everything in the game is jaggy and weird. The start with the G-Man is terrible, he has holes in his face and everything is just missing things and is jaggy.

Soemone help.
did u do driver cleaner before u installed the video card?
I have installed the latest drivers but still no joy. Could it be I put some sockets in wrong when putting the card in?
Well i had a rage 128 pro, but I just took it out and put the 6600gt in. So I guess I didnt, no. How would that effect the jaginess tho? (i guess you guys know what you're saying)

How can I delete my rage ones then? i searched for them in search but nothing came up..
format time methinks. Basically its trying to use the rage drivers for the nvidia card and that just isnt going to work.
Uninstall the Rage Drivers and download and install the newest nVidia drivers.

I'm absolutely astonished that your card even works with those drivers :/
Beerdude26 said:
Uninstall the Rage Drivers and download and install the newest nVidia drivers.

I'm absolutely astonished that your card even works with those drivers :/
OK but I need to know how to FIND those old drivers. Thanks
They will probably be in the software list
Start --> (Something like Configuration ) --> Software (or) Add/Remove Programs
Or if it isn't there, do :
My Computer --> (In the left sidebar) (Something like Configuration ) --> Software (or) Add/Remove Programs
Do the following:

Pay a non-violent professional PC technician to come round to your house and sort out your PC.

Except replace the word 'non' with 'extremely,' and the world 'technician' with 'blood explosion extroadinaire'!
Dark Strider, don't just plonk in a new 3D card whilst assuming it will work with your current drivers.

I did this once when I was disappointed with my old card and Doom 3, and when I replaced it, the Doom 3 visuals were wrong - the lighting was overapplied in places, the textures were blurred together and the flashlight lit up nothing.

Clearing out my drivers, restarting, installing all the drivers again and restarting everything solved the problem.
I reinstalled the drivers but tis still happening. this is piss annoying. What if I uninstalled then reinstalled the HL2?
Come to think of it, I don't remember if I reinstalled Doom 3 either...