Japan solves the problem of mugging


May 5, 2004
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..as only the japanese can:



On a narrow Tokyo street, near a beef bowl restaurant and a pachinko parlor, Aya Tsukioka demonstrated new clothing designs that she hopes will ease Japan?s growing fears of crime.

Deftly, Ms. Tsukioka, a 29-year-old experimental fashion designer, lifted a flap on her skirt to reveal a large sheet of cloth printed in bright red with a soft drink logo partly visible. By holding the sheet open and stepping to the side of the road, she showed how a woman walking alone could elude pursuers ? by disguising herself as a vending machine.

but wait there's more:

Take the ?manhole bag,? a purse that can hide valuables by unfolding to look like a sewer cover. Lay it on the street with your wallet inside, and unwitting thieves are supposed to walk right by. There is also a line of knife-proof high school uniforms made with the same material as Kevlar, and a book with tips on how to dress even the nerdiest children like ?pseudohoodlums? to fend off schoolyard bullies.


...perhaps americans should adopt this strategy ..I mean how succesful would the V-tech murderer have been had everyone been dressed as a vending machine or manhole?
Japan. Still contains some of the greatest and stupidest inventions.
what if one of those people that beat up soda dispenser came?
This seems like it would cause more crime. The thief attempts to buy a soda, puts the money in...and nothing happens? Naturally the thief would attempt to rock the machine back and forth until finally lighting it on fire.
lol wtf why dont you carry a cardboard box around with you and just hide in it mgs style? :laugh:
what if someone pee in one and them when the hiding person reacts, the other thinks is some spy from north korea and grabs a trash can and start beating the hiding person?
The ironic thing is that this news makes it seem like the Japanese are driven to these ridiculous lengths by some sort of crime epidemic, while Japan actually feels like one of the safest places you could ever hope to live. You can honestly walk down the road counting your money from an ATM with very little worry. Maybe my perspective is skewed, having only scumhole East London to compare it to though.
what if someone pee in one and them when the hiding person reacts, the other thinks is some spy from north korea and grabs a trash can and start beating the hiding person?
Took the words right out of my mouth.
The ironic thing is that this news makes it seem like the Japanese are driven to these ridiculous lengths by some sort of crime epidemic, while Japan actually feels like one of the safest places you could ever hope to live. You can honestly walk down the road counting your money from an ATM with very little worry. Maybe my perspective is skewed, having only scumhole East London to compare it to though.Took the words right out of my mouth.

As far as I'm aware, the Yakuza pretty much run the government.

Interesting invention, but isn't kevlar weak against piercing attacks? People need to realize that the best way to avoid getting mugged is to travel in a group, with weapons you can use.
yes it works for america :upstare:

...btw, from the article

These elaborate defenses are coming at a time when crime rates are actually declining in Japan. But the Japanese, sensitive to the slightest signs of social fraying, say they feel growing anxiety about safety, fanned by sensationalist news media.

The devices’ creators admit that some of their ideas may seem far-fetched, especially to crime-hardened Americans. And even some Japanese find some of them a tad na?ve, possibly reflecting the nation’s relative lack of experience with actual street crime. Despite media attention on a few sensational cases, the rate of violent crime remains just one-seventh of America’s.

But the devices’ creators also argue that Japan’s ideas about crime prevention are a product of deeper cultural differences. While Americans want to protect themselves from criminals, or even strike back, the creators say many Japanese favor camouflage and deception, reflecting a culture that abhors self-assertion, even in self-defense.

“It is just easier for Japanese to hide,” Ms. Tsukioka said. “Making a scene would be too embarrassing.” She said her vending machine disguise was inspired by a trick used by the ancient ninja, who cloaked themselves in black blankets at night.

but you go on thinking an armed society is a polite society ..if that's the case Texas must be the nicest place in the world :rolling:
why not learning ninja skills and carry ninja weapons?

that will make every case of mugging into a awsome ninja fight in every street and would be awsome!

old Japanese lady: oh I have to hurry its late
mugger: give me da purse old bag!
old lady:!!!*eyes spark*...yatagaratsu koy chaaaaa!!1*jumps,epileptic lights whit blurred background*
mugger:!!...shin ma int aharabaki!! *jumps, epileptic lights whit blurred background*
old lady(in mid-air): saturahiko sumeeee!*flying kick*
mugger(avoids in mid-air):jokoma momunofu!*avoids and slash whit weapon,old lady vanishes*
mugger: Ona??? *old lady appears behind mugger*...!?
old lady: Okunimushi keraaaaaa! *trows purse,hits mugger chest*
*muggers go flying*
mugger: uaaaaarrggg!CRANK *and pierce a concrete wall,old lady lands softly in ground*
old lady: learn to respect your elders young one
*walks away whit sunset background, ending music*
God dammit RJMC. Headaches and lols don't mix.

This idea seems like it would work on dumbasses...Hey anybody want a soda from this conveniently placed vending machine that I conveniently know how to rough up for free drinks?
As far as I'm aware, the Yakuza pretty much run the government.
The Yakuza tend not to bother you if you don't bother them, as I understand it. The govt is corrupt and right-wing as hell, but that doesn't mean the society is lawless or even dangerous.
It's only a matter of time before criminals start using these things.
...perhaps americans should adopt this strategy ..I mean how succesful would the V-tech murderer have been had everyone been dressed as a vending machine or manhole?

It would have been a lot more hilarious.
why not learning ninja skills and carry ninja weapons?

that will make every case of mugging into a awsome ninja fight in every street and would be awsome!

old Japanese lady: oh I have to hurry its late
mugger: give me da purse old bag!
old lady:!!!*eyes spark*...yatagaratsu koy chaaaaa!!1*jumps,epileptic lights whit blurred background*
mugger:!!...shin ma int aharabaki!! *jumps, epileptic lights whit blurred background*
old lady(in mid-air): saturahiko sumeeee!*flying kick*
mugger(avoids in mid-air):jokoma momunofu!*avoids and slash whit weapon,old lady vanishes*
mugger: Ona??? *old lady appears behind mugger*...!?
old lady: Okunimushi keraaaaaa! *trows purse,hits mugger chest*
*muggers go flying*
mugger: uaaaaarrggg!CRANK *and pierce a concrete wall,old lady lands softly in ground*
old lady: learn to respect your elders young one
*walks away whit sunset background, ending music*

lmao what the hell ?? :D
but you go on thinking an armed society is a polite society ..if that's the case Texas must be the nicest place in the world :rolling:

Texans are pretty friendly people if you get to know them
My stomach hurts from RJMC

Curse you :D :laughs:
imaginate the report

"men assaulted by a soda dispenser"

:laugh: oh Christ, that's probably one of the funniest images I've heard of in a while - just imagining a vending machine scuffling behind you and flogging you in the head in attempt to take your wallet. Arrrgh RJMC for president of the world. :laugh: :thumbs:
Imagine the tabloids.

"Soda machines fight back!! Are you safe?"