japanese guy lives in airport for no reason

looks like it.
but you seem to have missed the story about the japanese guy who hasnt washed for ages.
its south african.
theyre not particularly .....good...... at anyth- this sort of thing
Apparently, there is such a thing as wanting Catherine Zeta Jones too much.
Well why leave? He has everything he wants right there, and if he needs money, apply for a job.
"I don't understand why I'm here," he said through a visiting interpreter originally hired by a television station.
Interpreter tragically misinterprets japanese man's three month Kafkaesque nightmare situation.
So theres a bum living at an airport?

he just watched to much that movie the terminal
Eat to bite... bite to eat, bite to eat, bite to eat etc...

Anyway, both the film at this story have something in common, I shrugged my shoulders at both and just felt confused. Krakhoziaaaaaa
The Terminal was a great film.
By the way, you guys realise The Terminal was (loosely) based on a true story already, right?
What, that thing about Tom Hanks nailing Catherin Zeta Jones?
By the way, you guys realise The Terminal was (loosely) based on a true story already, right?
It was in fact loosely based on a book which was itself loosely based on a true story. Except the book and the 'true story' were nightmarish, with the central character trapped in an interstitial kafkaesque nowhere, unable to sleep for fear that airport security would steal his luggage and blow it up. The film turns this horrific situation into something fairly sacharine.
So it was loosely, loosely based on a true story?

So hardly based on a true story at all :|

Japanese people do weird things, this we are all aware of.
This reminds me of that story about the (Japanese?) guy who thought the war was still going and refused to leave his post or whatever.

Also The Terminal was a good movie and Glenn's eat to bite post made me laugh.
It was in fact loosely based on a book which was itself loosely based on a true story. Except the book and the 'true story' were nightmarish, with the central character trapped in an interstitial kafkaesque nowhere, unable to sleep for fear that airport security would steal his luggage and blow it up. The film turns this horrific situation into something fairly sacharine.
Yeah. That and Catherine Zeta Jones. Like damn.

I'm not sure which movie entitled "the Terminal" you guys watched, but the one I saw was terrible.
You mean heartwarming?

Cos that's what I saw.
I fail to see how this is awesome, or even worthy of a post/news story.
I think we as an internet have gotten so used to seeing ****ed up Japanese news stories, that our minds just gloss over the fact that it isn't interesting.
You seem to think Japanese stuff is very interesting (all your gay anime wallpapers, all your Asian avatars).

Da-dum Tish.