Japanese Moon base

It may be 2005, but don't dump nuclear waste up there. If TV has taught us anything, its that the waste will explode and send the moon off into space for some crazy adventures.
Shens said:
That's what you get for spelling center centre.

Well, you americans say center, the British and Australians say "Centre"
murray was it u who i sent allmy hl2 screens ??

if so tell me and ill pm u tomra :)
Joims said:
murray was it u who i sent allmy hl2 screens ??

if so tell me and ill pm u tomra :)

No, you may have sent them to Murray
In other news, President Bush continues his initiative for his so-called "Sun Base", a research base located on the surface of the Sun. The bill which would cost $5000000000000000 Zillion of taxpayers money goes before congress. Bush intends to "throw one of our oceans at the sun to cool it down" before actual "base-buildery" can begin.
kmack said:
In other news, President Bush continues his initiative for his so-called "Sun Base", a research base located on the surface of the Sun. The bill which would cost $5000000000000000 Zillion of taxpayers money goes before congress. Bush intends to "throw one of our oceans at the sun to cool it down" before actual "base-buildery" can begin.

I'm sure if they go at night time, it will be cool enough to build there. :p
bliink said:
I'm sure if they go at night time, it will be cool enough to build there. :p

Actually, Bush believes that at night-time, the sun becomes the moon, so in esscense we are building a base on the moon too, take that Japan :naughty:
Its funny... Japan building a moon base- its like all that anime stuff is coming true.

Next, they'll make giant war-robots or something.. it'll be cool!
bliink said:
Its funny... Japan building a moon base- its like all that anime stuff is coming true.

Next, they'll make giant war-robots or something.. it'll be cool!

If you ask me Junichiro Koizumi (PM of Japan) has been watching too much late night anime, this sounds like an idea I'd think up after a :smoking: and a :cheers: and some crazy anime :D
Well, anime has always been Japan's medium for portraying their future plans.
me worries/ :p

EDIT: but somehow we are saved by this mysterious hero! :E
KoreBolteR said:
me worries/ :p

EDIT: but somehow we are saved by this mysterious hero! :E

now we just need a funky soundtrack and a scene that induces epilepsy and we've got ourselves a series!
You forgot the weird title which makes no sense until you actually watch the series.

Like bliink fast. Like breakfast only you have to bliink.

I'm sorry.

Shens said:
You forgot the weird title which makes no sense until you actually watch the series.

Like bliink fast. Like breakfast only you have to bliink.

I'm sorry.


ahh a perfect title!

Like bliink fast breakfast I'm sorry.
bliink said:
ahh a perfect title!

Like bliink fast breakfast I'm sorry.

this is going to be a big hit :bounce: woohoo

bliink how much u want for the episode? $500,000?
bliink said:
I will accept payment in moon bases :p

I have 500 moon bases. Give me this thing you're selling (I haven't read any post but yours so...yeah)!
KoreBolteR said:
this is going to be a big hit :bounce: woohoo

bliink how much u want for the episode? $500,000?

I want in. $500 million shall suffice for me.

p.s. general off-topic chat

bliink said:
I will accept payment in moon bases :p

I will build them. For a price of $1 billion.

qckbeam said:
I have 500 moon bases. Give me this thing you're selling (I haven't read any post but yours so...yeah)!

He lies.
ah, Premature Lunar Japanisation , I always thought the Japanese lived on the moon anyway .. *huff
qckbeam said:
First of all, she. She lies. Second of all, no. No she most certainly does not!

No, you lie. You don't have 500 moon bases. Your 'moon bases' are nothing more than playing card pyramids.

And horribly built ones too.
The moon's not really any good for a base, apart from experiments where you can see springs bounce up and down slower than on Earth.

And short of discovering plenty of oil under the surface (Ahaaar, here be black gold, landlubbers) there's no useful resources to speak of.

Better wait a bit longer, save a bit more money and do the same plan instead for Mars.

It's a bit like a kid with money burning a hole in their pocket in the toyshop:
"should I get this now? or wait until I have enough money to buy the better one?"

©They could always turn the moon into a giant laser though, if they wanted to hold the world for random.©
It's good for mining Helium 3 which could be used as a potential energry source. It will be good for experiments that require a vacuum. Telescopes could be built there, allowing unprecedented pictures of our surroundings. And, it's where I plan to retire.
kirovman said:
The moon's not really any good for a base, apart from experiments where you can see springs bounce up and down slower than on Earth.

And short of discovering plenty of oil under the surface (Ahaaar, here be black gold, landlubbers) there's no useful resources to speak of.

Better wait a bit longer, save a bit more money and do the same plan instead for Mars.

It's a bit like a kid with money burning a hole in their pocket in the toyshop:
"should I get this now? or wait until I have enough money to buy the better one?"

©They could always turn the moon into a giant laser though, if they wanted to hold the world for random.©

ive always heard that in order to reach mars, it would be very helpful to have the moon as a stepping stone. the escape velocity of the moon is much less than earth, so stockpiling resources/ships on the moon would actually be a very good idea.
Those god damn Japs had better not take the moon, that is American territory!
Foxtrot said:
Those god damn Japs had better not take the moon, that is American territory!
damn straight, our flag is on it that makes it ours!
Foxtrot said:
That and we have nukes...and a military.

hah! what are you going to do? bomb the moon? :LOL:

You know what would happen if we lost the moon? Earth would "swing" down horizontally on its axis (or to about 60 degrees, like mars is now), and 1/2 the earth would end up with permanent exposure to the sun, and half would not.
You'd have frozen wasteland on one side, scorched wasteland on the other, and a very narrow strip down the middle with constant storms the likes of which have never been seen. :D
bliink said:
hah! what are you going to do? bomb the moon? :LOL:

You know what would happen if we lost the moon? Earth would "swing" down horizontally on its axis (or to about 60 degrees, like mars is now), and 1/2 the earth would end up with permanent exposure to the sun, and half would not.
You'd have frozen wasteland on one side, scorched wasteland on the other, and a very narrow strip down the middle with constant storms the likes of which have never been seen. :D
bliink said:
hah! what are you going to do? bomb the moon? :LOL:

You know what would happen if we lost the moon? Earth would "swing" down horizontally on its axis (or to about 60 degrees, like mars is now), and 1/2 the earth would end up with permanent exposure to the sun, and half would not.
You'd have frozen wasteland on one side, scorched wasteland on the other, and a very narrow strip down the middle with constant storms the likes of which have never been seen. :D

And the whole of the United Kingdom will be turned into a beautiful, tropical paradise, with beautiful beaches and beautiful weather.
Razor said:
And the whole of the United Kingdom will be turned into a beautiful, tropical paradise, with beautiful beaches and beautiful weather.

hah.. yeah, that would just coincide with hell freezing over :LOL:
God damn it,why doesen't China do something,USA and Japan is kicking the world's ass......
I have heard a comedian say that we should be using the moon for advertising.. Imaging a bigass batman sign when you look up at the moon. or a Nike symbol :D

You know, we could launch all kinds of nuclear waste off into outerspace! Plenty of room out there! For the first time you can use the word infinate and be correct.. er but what would happen if something happend and the rocket carrying the nuclear waste failed and crashed back down to earth? .. ok nvm, bad idea.

all that real estate out there, and no one claimed it!!?

You could like build moon bases, like a really expensive honeycomb hideout! :|

And you could fire nuclear missles to earth with GPS :x

Ok first thing.. Bring a whole bunch of oxygen up there and release it into the atmosphere. this might take a few trips, then bring some buckets of water :rolling:

I hearby claim the moon for Japan... er USA! :imu:
Sieg said:
God damn it,why doesen't China do something,USA and Japan is kicking the world's ass......

They are doing something. They probably made most every electronic device you own.

I hope we don't ever have a fallout with China, man, I'm lovin these electronics from the dollar store
I would make a mooninite joke for this, but my head hurts and I can't think straight tonight.

I just hope we get hotels on the moon.