Japanese rescue robot or expensive coffin?


May 5, 2004
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Robots that rescue folks in disaster areas or other perilous situations aren't exactly a new idea, but this bot set to go into service in Yokohama certainly takes a more unique, and slightly more terrifying approach to the matter than usual. Apparently, the seemingly unnamed robot can not only carry a 110 kilogram person over difficult terrain with ease, but monitor the occupant's vital signs as well, although complete details on that, and any other technical details are a bit hard to come by at the moment.

wouldnt the interior get really hot during a fire? ..it's like a human oven ..I wonder if it dings wen the occupant is ready?
This thing looks like a horrible death trap.
this would be a good vehicle for soldiers who need to get out of the battle if it had reinforced Kevlar steel around the compartment holding the person.
That would be like a load of giant woodlice running over a hill
this would be a good vehicle for soldiers who need to get out of the battle if it had reinforced Kevlar steel around the compartment holding the person.

wouldnt it be cheaper to just put a bullet through their head?
I want it to launch the body like a missile.
Robots that rescue folks in disaster areas or other perilous situations aren't exactly a new idea, but this bot set to go into service in Yokohama certainly takes a more unique, and slightly more terrifying approach to the matter than usual. Apparently, the seemingly unnamed robot can not only carry a 110 kilogram person over difficult terrain with ease, but monitor the occupant's vital signs as well, although complete details on that, and any other technical details are a bit hard to come by at the moment.

Well, if they want to get good sales on this thing, they really should get cracking on making this thing viable for export to America.
Make it taller and have it become a mobile People Pez Dispenser!
this would be a good vehicle for soldiers who need to get out of the battle if it had reinforced Kevlar steel around the compartment holding the person.

Lol kevlar steel

I wouldn't mind having one of these babies carry me out of a hot zone. Significantly better than dying in my own vomit and blood, now I'd be doing it in style.
Good thing RPG's are designed to not explode unless it has traveled a certain distance....