Jasc photoshop question


Aug 19, 2003
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How do I go about creating a picture with diffrent layers... like say I want to take a crop from here and from here and then another from here and make them all into one picture or something similar.

It would be even better if someone knew of a website that has a tutorial on the subject. Thanks guys.
easy ...copy all files to desktop

open all in photoshop

open new document with the dimensions you want (this will be the final piece ...lets call it "comp" for composition)

go to each pic drag and drop layer into "comp"

hit "ctrl" and "t" key to size each pic

voila, you have an image with multiple layers

edit: alternately you could right click on each of the images you want, copy and then paste into the "comp" file
web and print graphics are identical except web graphics must be 72 dpi, so you could still learn a thing or two from Letters' link

oh btw if you're learning photoshop you might as well learn Illustrator; cant use one without the other ...Illustrator for drawing ....photoshop for re-touching and adding effects etc
Oh, and I'm pretty sure it's Adobe Photoshop. Unless you're talking about Paintshop Pro?
Yea I meant paintshop not photoshop... either way it worked lol

Crap sorry double post... meh
try to get your hands on photoshop LE I think it's around $50 ...much more powerful than paintshop pro
CptStern said:
try to get your hands on photoshop LE I think it's around $50 ...much more powerful than paintshop pro

getting photoshop isnt really woth it imo, i have both, and PSP can do 95% of the stuff photoshop can do and its easier to learn.
well maybe if you're looking for basic functionality than PSP is good enough ...honestly I havent used PSP in years so I dont know how powerful it is in it;s present incarnation. Still why learn something that'll be a dead end? if you really want to learn more than just the basics of graphic production he'll have to move to photoshop eventually.
a nice site is : http://www.worth1000.com/

lots of manipulated stuff and nice tutorials :)
they do contetst all the time ;)

yuo gotta check the galleries - awesome work :dork:
CptStern said:
well maybe if you're looking for basic functionality than PSP is good enough ...honestly I havent used PSP in years so I dont know how powerful it is in it;s present incarnation. Still why learn something that'll be a dead end? if you really want to learn more than just the basics of graphic production he'll have to move to photoshop eventually.

I agree, but if he just needs it for basic stuff ,like the first post, theres no reason to bother learning a more complicated program when paintshop will do it perfectly.